I had intended to post my Favorites of 2017 piece today, but it will wait until tomorrow. Instead, let’s take a minute to remember Sue Grafton. She died Thursday night of cancer, at the age of 77. Her family’s tribute came in the form of the statement that “The alphabet now ends in Y.” Here’s the obituary from the New York Times.  https://nyti.ms/2pUlXXF

I met Sue Grafton four times. The first was in Naples, Florida when she was in a group of mystery authors who appeared to a small appreciative audience. I only remember Sue Grafton and Lawrence Block. It must have been 1986. The Lee County Library System hosted her for our annual luncheon the second time. She showed slides of Santa Barbara, and talked about the similarities with her Santa Teresa. And, she showed us Kinsey’s car.

When I was Chair of the Authors’ Programming for the Lee County Reading Festival, I tracked her down, and called, after learning her husband’s name. She told me I had good detecting skills. When I asked her to appear at the reading festival for 2002, she said yes. She didn’t even ask for airfare from California. We picked her up at the airport, and my college roommate came in on the same plane. We took her to her hotel, and she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Her graciousness with her fans was unequaled. She even signed a tee shirt as she came out of the restroom.

The last time I saw Sue Grafton was in Scottsdale, Arizona when U is for Undertow came out in 2009. I did a lengthy recap of the program when she appeared for the Poisoned Pen. You can read it here, if you’d like. http://bit.ly/2CnMcKQ

Kind. Gracious. And, she signed my book with, “Hello, Everyone…Read Lesa’s Blog! Sue Grafton”

RIP, Sue Grafton. And, thanks for the memories.