Today’s Sunday Reading Corner, Promises, Promises, isn’t quite what I would have hoped. It’s been a while since Jinx was in a video chat, and he was a little too eager. But, here it is.
Today’s Sunday Reading Corner, Promises, Promises, isn’t quite what I would have hoped. It’s been a while since Jinx was in a video chat, and he was a little too eager. But, here it is.
All of these look good, Lesa. And 10 books a month for the journal is really a lot. Ah, if we could all be able to read at the speed of light and then remember what we read, right? I think this feature is nice and it puts the books on our reading lists. If you're that eager to read them, we will be too. I'll volunteer to read Anne Cleeland's books for you, OK? Well, I'd have to start the series first, but I remember your praise of it and have meant to try it. Hopefully, this will be the year or maybe the summer for that. I'll 'promise'! Ha! Have a good week!
Kay! I love your "promise"! Ha is right! And I think you read as many books as I do.
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy the Sunday Reading Corner. If I can't get through my TBR pile, neither should any of you!
10 books, month in and month out, is insane. Jinx cracked me up.
As always, I have your piece linked to my blog so hopefully that will help get some views….and maybe a cat treat or two. 🙂
I love how you can just keep talking in spite of Jinx
Jinx, your most outstanding appearance of all times.
Nixi, I am so glad to see you this morning, a real treat.
Lesa, you are amazing. Commitment to ten books a month is a challenge with all that you do each day.
Enjoyed the video today. I plan to check out some of the books.
Pet the fur babies for me, please.
Kevin! You can always use a laugh. I'll lend you Jinx anytime you want. Thank you for linking from your blog. I appreciate it.
Sandy, That's kind of why it's not my best chat. It's hard to keep going when Jinx wants attention. But, his purr is never as loud as when he's in front of the camera.
Charlotte, I just told Jinx how much you enjoyed his appearance, and gave him a pet from you. Thank you. I hope you enjoy the books!
Lesa, I'm sure you know what a fan I am if Anne Cleeland and the Acton and Doyle series. I do hope you have time to catch up with this favorite couple. Of course, you have blown me away with how many books you read a month. I so wish I could read faster.
Wow! 10 books a month is a lot of reading. That is really amazing. Also Jinx is the cutest <3
Oh, Kathy. You have so much going on in your life – lots of family activities. And, most of the time I don't have that. One reason I can read so much.
Thank you, Elle! Jinx thinks he's just the cutest as well.
LOL, I have a goal of 10 a month too and now behind. I got a little e-mail from GoodReads that my percentage of read books is slipping! I know what that is like. Trying to catch up but sometimes it just doesn't work. I love mysteries that give me a taste of a different time period do will add some to my wish list.
Well, as I said to Kathy, you have a lot of other things going on in your life, Carol. Sometimes it's good that life interferes with our reading. Other times, I'd rather be reading!