Fans have probably been waiting for the seventh book in the FBI K-9 series, That Others May Live, for a while. Jen J. Danna, half of the writing team of Sara Driscoll explains the delay. due to the death of her writing partner, Ann Vanderlaan. But, before Vanderlaan died, the two planned to base the latest search and rescue on the collapse of the Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Florida.

On December 17, Meg Jennings with the FBI’s Forensic Canine Unit, is called out early in the morning. Her partner, Todd Webb, a fireman and paramedic is on duty. Meg and her dog, Hawk, are sent to the scene of a building collapse, and she finds out from her sister’s partner, Washington Post reporter Clay McCord, even before she gets the official call. A twelve-story building in downtown D.C. collapsed, and ten of the floors were residential.

While Meg and Hawk, along with three other FBI K-9 rescue teams search for survivors, Todd ends up volunteering to go into a dangerous space when they hear a survivor. It’s tight quarters, but he volunteered, knowing his paramedic skills might be necessary. On the way out, with the victim, Todd finds part of a cell phone that might have been used as an explosive device.

Did someone blow up the condo building? Clay McCord finds some unusual information as he searches building plans and consults experts for answers. As firefighters and other first responders, including the K-9 rescue teams, search for survivors and bodies, McCord finds rumors important enough to take to the FBI.

The story becomes more interesting because it’s told through the eyes of a an FBI agent, a firefighter, and a reporter. At times, it’s a little technical about the building, the collapse, and the plans. But, the cast of characters are interesting. Fans of the series are the ones who will appreciate this latest book.

Jen J. Danna’s website is

That Others May Live by Sara Driscoll. Kensington, 2023. ISBN 9781496743985 (hardcover), 352p.

FTC Full Disclosure – The publisher sent an ARC, with no promise of a review.