Although I’m reading Bill Crider’s Sheriff Dan Rhodes mysteries in order, I stumbled across a story collection, The Blacklin County Files. The stories in the book were published in various magazines before they were collected here. They’re quick reads, with Crider’s primary characters, Sheriff Rhodes, dispatcher Hack Jensen, and jailor Lawton. Deputy Ruth Grady appears in a couple of the stories.
Although the cat owner in “Buster” has a few too many cats, you can still see Bill Crider’s love for cats in this short story. Yes, there is a dead cat at the beginning of the story, but Buster’s death prevents a murder.
While I enjoyed Sheriff Rhodes’ investigation in “Gored”, the story of a dead loan officer, the discussion of all the food at the barbecue not only distracted the sheriff, it distracted me. And, now I want homemade peach ice cream!
“The Man on the Cross”, “Under the Gun”, and “Who Killed Cock Rogers?” were all fun examples of the Sheriff Rhodes stories. But, “Chocolate Moose” did stand out. Bill and his wife, Judy Crider, wrote this one together, and it went on to win the Anthony Award for Best Short Story. While no one liked the victim, there weren’t too many people who had motive and the ability to use the unique method of killing someone.
Even with short stories, Bill Crider demonstrated his skill with clever plots. And, his humor is always present, even in The Blacklin County Files.
The Blacklin County Files by Bill Crider and Judy Crider. Kindle Scribe, 147p., 2012.
FTC Full Disclosure – I bought a copy of the book on Kindle.
Yes, you could always count on Bill for some little humorous touches in his writing. Occasionally, it was an in-joke that you’d get if you knew him, but most were accessible to anyone with a sense of humor. Bill wrote a bunch of short stories – including many cat stories – over the years, and they are always worth reading if you come across one.
I’m sure they are always worth reading, Jeff. I like Bill’s humor.