I’m one book behind in this cozy mystery series. But, I enjoy Krista Davis’ setting, Old Town Alexandria. And, the mystery is very much character-driven. So, I finally picked up the latest Domestic Diva Mystery, The Diva Cooks Up a Storm.
Sophie Winston is an event planner who is about to leave on a vacation with her friend, Nina. But, the night before, they find time to attend an underground dinner. This time, Sophie gets to attend the event, not just plan and work it. But, it seems there are rumbles of trouble from some of Sophie’s neighbors. Hollis Haberman has a new trophy wife, and none of the women at the dinner are eager to welcome her. Sophie overhears Hollis and his ex-wife arguing. And, there have been troubles at the Haberman house, beginning when their yardman was attacked by bees. Hollis doesn’t make Sophie feel better about the situation there, asking her to have his food tested for poison.
Sophie’s vacation doesn’t turn out as expected. A hurricane is heading directly for North Carolina, so she and Nina will have a staycation instead. And, she certainly doesn’t expect to find Hollis Haberman dying in the middle of the road that morning. While everyone points at Hollis’ new wife as the killer, Sophie doesn’t believe the young woman killed him.
Krista Davis has a new publisher for the eleventh book in the series, and fans will be happy to see the return of Sophie Winston and her friends.That’s the strength of these books. Sophie is a caring woman, still friends with her ex-husband, Mars. They share custody of their dog. Sophie’s friends are active in the community, and their knowledge and interests spur Sophie’s investigations. In the course of the series, even Sophie’s nemesis, Natasha, has grown to a figure of pity rather than a figure to dislike.
Sophie’s an amateur sleuth with time to investigate. This time, she happens to be on vacation, but her profession also provides opportunities to explore the neighborhood and ask questions.
Oh, and the diva part? If readers haven’t read the books, Sophie and Natasha both have helpful lifestyle columns which head each chapter. There’s a question from a reader, and an answer from one of the two women. There are also recipes included in the book, and Sophie and her friends make them during the course of each story.
The Diva Cooks Up a Storm is another treat from Krista Davis. However, my favorite one in the series is a seasonal one, perfect for October reading. If you can find a copy of The Diva Haunts the House, grab it.
Krista Davis’ website is www.kristadavis.com
The Diva Cooks Up a Storm by Krista Davis. Kensington Books, 2018. ISBN 9781496714688 (hardcover), 291p.
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