At a time when I needed a cozy mystery, I knew nothing would suit better than one of Krista Davis’ Domestic Diva mysteries. Fortunately, I was a year behind, and still had The Diva Sweetens the Pie to read. Her new one, The Diva Spices It Up, will be released on April 28. I’ve ordered a copy, but I’m not sure how soon after publication it will be here. Just like you, that’s one book I’ll have to wait to read.

Sophie Winston and her friends in Alexandria, Virginia are immersed in Old Town’s annual Pie Festival. Some have submitted pies in the contests. Bernie Frei, manager of a local restaurant, The Laughing Hound, is the festival organizer. Most of them have invitations to the welcome dinner for Patsy Lee Presley, local girl turned TV personality with the number one show in the TV cooking world. When Sophie meets her, she realizes she saw her sneaking around in bushes when Sophie was walking her dog.

Patsy Lee is the celebrity judge for the pie baking contests, but before the judging even starts she keels over on tables of pies. With the help of the police, Sophie, Bernie and their friends are able to save everything, and start a couple hours later, with Sophie’s best friend, Nina, stepping in to judge. But, Sophie’s a little suspicious when she recognizes a man who seemed to have been following her. She’s a little relieved to see him with a young girl who enters her pie, but she still wonders about him.

Then Aly Stokes, the young girl, shows up at 5 a.m. at Sophie’s house, asking her for help. Aly’s mother is in prison for murdering a restaurant owner over five years earlier. Sophie’s friends remember the murder, but as Sophie asks a few questions she finds some unlikely connections. It seems some of Sophie’s friends who are pasty chefs, along with Aly’s mother and the recently deceased Patsy Lee, all worked together at one time.

It’s not unusual for an amateur sleuth to endanger herself and her friends. That’s exactly what happens as Sophie delves into the past and tries to find connections between two murders. But, this series shines because of the strength of the friendships in Sophie’s circle. She’s still friends with her ex-husband. Her best friend shows up in her robe for breakfast. And, when Sophie herself is in trouble, it’s those friends who rally to help.

I’m a fan of this series. I’m familiar with the setting, Old Town Alexandria. The recipes are always fun. I like the fact there’s a list of characters for each book. I always enjoy the mysteries, but Sophie and her friends are the best part of the books. Perfect comfort reads for right now.

Krista Davis’ website is

The Diva Sweetens the Pie by Krista Davis. Kensington Books, 2019. ISBN 9781496714718 (hardcover), 320p.

Note: Most of us are in the same boat, unable to get physical books from our public libraries. But, if your library has Hoopla, all of Krista Davis’ Domestic Diva books are available as eaudiobooks.  The first in the series is The Diva Runs Out of Thyme. My library system has Overdrive, and the books are available there, but that’s a curated collection, and the books might not be available through your library. I just wanted to mention that you might be able to find these books online through your public library. And, your public library pays for the books.

FTC Full Disclosure – Library book checked out before social isolation.