While Nita Prose’s debut novel, The Maid, is a mystery, it’s also a character study of a young woman. That’s where it shines, in the personality of Molly Gray, the narrator. She’s a maid, “a nobody”. And, no one ever listens or sees the maid, do they?
Molly Gray feels she was born to be a maid. At twenty-five, she’s a maid at Regency Grand Hotel, an upscale boutique hotel. “I was born to do this job. I love cleaning. I love my maid’s trolley, and I love my uniform.” Molly’s Gran raised her, but her Gran recently died, and Molly feels alone in the world. She always had trouble with social situations, often misreading body language. But, she talked things through with her grandmother. Now, she has no one to help her understand what’s happening around her.
So, what happens when Molly finds a guest dead in his bed? She tries to call for help, but no one ever listens to her. In fact, the receptionists and others on the staff bully her, and call her names such as Roomba. So, she has to call a second time. And, she has to explain to the police why she was back in the room a second time that day, cleaning up glasses and what could have been evidence before she saw Mr. Black’s body in the bed. While his wife, Giselle, was initially a suspect, the police arrest Molly because she can’t explain her behavior in a way that satisfies them.
But, Molly has more friends on the staff than she knows. And, some of them step forward to help the young woman who became innocently involved in criminal activity, not understanding what she was seeing. Who would ever suspect the maid, except the police?
The Regency Grand Hotel is a mess behind the scenes. It’s going to take someone special to clean it up. And, Molly is certainly special. In fact, her behavior on the witness stand in the court scene shows a deep understanding as to how the world sees her.
As a said, The Maid is a mystery. The ending is a surprise. But, you’ll want to read the book to discover Molly. She’s a surprise. She’s more capable than others suspect. Yes, she’s different from many people, and she sees the world differently. She can be awkward, and, sometimes feels as if she’s cloaked in invisibility. She’s one of those important people that others never notice. Maybe, we should.
Nita Prose’s website is https://www.nitaprose.com/
The Maid by Nita Prose. Ballantine Books, 2022. ISBN 9780593356159 (hardcover), 304p.
FTC Full Disclosure – I received an ARC because the author was on a panel I moderated.
Sounds good, willcontunue to ener for it. Thank you for the review.
Thanks, Carolee!
I have this on hold at the library
It’s an unusual book, Sandy. I hope you enjoy it!