Do you remember Katarina Bivald’s debut novel, The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend? It came out eight years ago. Somehow, I missed her second novel, Welcome to the Pine Away Motel and Cabins. Don’t make that mistake with her debut mystery, The Murders in Great Diddling. At the time I’m writing this (March), this is the best book I’ve read this year.
When writer Berit Gardner moved to Great Diddling in Cornwall, she had expectations. She bought Wisteria Cottage, and expects to find stories and characters in Great Diddling. She isn’t wrong. When she attends the tea party at Tawny Hall, she’s an eager observer. She drags along her new young assistant, Sally Mersch, sent by her agent to make sure Berit is writing. Berit has had writer’s block, with no voices in her head. At Tawny Hall, though, she realizes something is seriously wrong in Great Diddling. There’s a dark and restless atmosphere, and everyone seems to hate Reginald Trent, nephew of the woman who owns the hall. Even with that atmosphere, it’s a shock when Reginald is blown up in his study during the tea party. Although several people call the police, Detective Chief Inspector Ian Ahmed remembers Berit’s call. “I’d like to report a murder.”
While no one else seems to care that Reginald was killed, Ahmed is angry that someone took another person’s life. He cares. It isn’t long before he realizes Berit intends to investigate to learn why the man why killed. Ahmed warns her, but Berit’s curiosity gets the better of her. She wants to know her neighbors, what drives them, why they hated the man, and what’s really going on in Great Diddling.
Books, a book festival, cons, and another murder. When another outsider shows up to stir up trouble, of course, there’s another murder. Ahmed is convinced the entire village is involved in fraud. The villagers want to protect their way of life.
I don’t remember when I read such a delightful mystery with such a lovable cast. I adored Berit Gardner and DCI Ahmed. If you remember where you were when you first discovered Louise Penny’s Three Pines, you might want to also remember Great Diddling with its eccentric characters. Book lovers should find this book charming. “The villagers of Great Diddling believe there’s no better combination than a charming English village, books, and murders.”
Katarina Bivald’s website is https://katarinabivald.se/en/
The Murders in Great Diddling by Katarina Bivald. Poisoned Pen Press, 2024. ISBN 9781738295763 (paperback), 432p.
FTC Full Disclosure – I read a galley supplied through NetGalley so I could review the book for a journal.
Considering how many books you read, Lesa, when you say something is a “best” for you, I want to read it, even though, as you’ve probably noticed from what I say I read, I rarely do humor (unless it’s black humor, like the Sean Duffy series or Mick Herron’s stuff!)
I seldom do humor, either, Kim. It usually doesn’t work for me. And, I then think there’s something wrong with me, not the book. Do you read Cynthia Harrod-Eagles’ books? That’s my kind of humor.
Thanks for the recommendation. I put a hold on it at the library.
You’re welcome, Sandy!
I too really enjoyed this book. Hope this is the start of a series.
I listened to her second novel, Welcome To The Pine Away Motel and Cabins, earlier this year. I didn’t realize the author is Swedish. The setting is a small “seen its best days” town in rural Oregon with a cast of friends from high school. Captivating. Great to know there are two others by this author to look forward to.
One of those odd reading coincidences, I’m currently reading a book set in Sweden by a Minnesota author.
That’s the only one of hers that I haven’t read, MM. Good to know you enjoyed it. I think you might enjoy the other two as well.
I’ll be interested to see if it is, Susan.
I checked for the size of print of her previous books and added one of them to my wishlist. Thank you for the recommendation, Lesa!
You’re welcome, Carol. I hope you enjoy it!
You convinced me. I have moved it to the top of my NetGalley TBR pile.
Well, Kaye, it’s no longer the best book I read this year. That may go to Kate Quinn. But, it’s still good.
Gonna be hard to top Kate Quinn
You’re so right, Kaye. That was so good, and so different.