The Next Deadly Chapter is the tenth book in V.M. Burns’ Mystery Bookshop series, although this one has little to do with the Michigan bookstore. Author and bookstore owner Samantha Washington takes center stage along with her Nana Jo and the women from Shady Acres Retirement Village.

Sam’s appearance for members of the Pontolomas Nation doesn’t go exactly as planned when a heckler named Oscar Pembrook gets going. Between Nana Jo and Kai Strongbow, a member of the tribal council, Pembrook gets taken care of. But, Strongbow feels bad, and offers Sam and five guests rooms at the Four Feathers Casino and Resort.

Nana Jo and her friends think this is a perfect place for Sam’s bridal shower. Sam isn’t so sure. She only wants to make a good impression on her future mother-in-law, Dr. Camilia Patterson. In fact, Sam switches rooms with her, giving her the suite Strongbow gave to Sam. Sam never expects a call from the very proper Camilia the next morning saying there’s a dead man in the suite. Of course it turns out to be Oscar Pembrook. But, before Sam can inform all the proper authorities on tribal land, the body disappears from the suite.

As Sam, Nana Jo and the usual group investigate the death and the disappearance of the body, Sam tries to sort it out by turning to her latest historical mystery. She takes readers back to 1939 before England entered World War II. But, the situation is just as fraught with danger then as a dislikable man is killed at Wickfield Lodge and Lady Elizabeth Marsh has to find a killer.

While I”m a fan of this series, there were a few too many characters in this one. I’ve given up on trying to keep track of all of Nana Jo’s friends, but it was the historical mystery that was confusing this time. There were too many women invited to Wickfield Lodge for an engagement party, and I had a hard time remembering who was who. However, since Sam’s historical mysteries are my favorite part of these books, I’ll be picking up the next one to catch up with Lady Elizabeth and her family.

I do enjoy the similarities between Sam’s writings and her current problems, though. The parallel storylines make for an interesting book.

V.M. Burns’ website is

The Next Deadly Chapter by V.M. Burns. Kensington, 2025. ISBN 9781496750808 (paperback), 272p.

FTC Full Disclosure – I received a galley through NetGalley to review for a journal.