I seldom review books that are only available online or as an audiobook. But, Linda Castillo’s next Kate Burkholder novel, Outsider, will be released next month. It’s the perfect time to discuss her short mystery, “The Pact”.

Aaron Kuhns and Kevin Dennison are best friends. But, because Aaron is Amish and Kevin is an Englischer, neither set of parents are pleased with their friendship. But, how do you force an eleven-year-old and twelve-year-old to break up a friendship? Instead, the boys become blood brothers, and vow to fight evil and pursue good. Their mission? Free a ten-point buck kept in a pen.

But, the two boys who have run away from home with a mission are still young, and easily scared in the woods. When they don’t show up at home that evening, Kevin’s parents turn to Kate Burkholder, chief of police in Painters Mill, Ohio. Then, Aaron’s frantic mother bundles her children into the buggy and comes looking for Kate.

As I mentioned, “The Pact” is a short story, so there isn’t enough time for plot or character development. However, that doesn’t mean Kate’s entire police department isn’t involved. Everyone shows up when two young boys are missing in cold weather just before Thanksgiving. And, that department is my favorite aspect of all of these novels. They pull together as a team.

“The Pact” has a lesson about friendship, imagination, and caring. For those of us who are fans of the series, it’s a hint of forthcoming pleasure. We’ll be waiting for Outsider.

Linda Castillo’s website is www.lindacastillo.com

“The Pact” by Linda Castillo. St. Martin’s Press, 2020. ebook.

FTC Full Disclosure – I bought a copy of “The Pact”.