Actually, Ree Drummond’s latest cookbook has one more subtitle. It’s The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Come and Get It!: Simple, Scrumptious Recipes for Crazy Busy Lives. And, even if you seldom cook, this is a scrumptious cookbook to browse.

Ree Drummond, blogger turned cookbook author and television celebrity, begins this latest cookbook with a collection of her favorite things. It includes her “20 Favorite Pantry Items”, favorite freezer staples, refrigerator staples, and favorite cuts of beef. Then, as in most cookbooks, it’s broken down by breakfast, lunches, appetizers, suppers. But, she also categorizes recipes by the length of time it takes to cook them. There are beautifully photographed step-by-step directions, along with options for changing up the recipes.

I don’t cook much. However, just as I watch her television show, “The Pioneer Woman”,  for the glimpses of ranch life, I read the cookbook and appreciated the glimpses of her family, ranch life, and the animals on the farm. She has photographs sprinkled throughout the book. Fans of the show will appreciate photos of The Pioneer Woman Mercantile, “The Merc”, the new store and restaurant that she and her husband, Ladd, renovated and opened. There are photos of the dogs, cattle, and even a ranch cat. There are also family stories, including one about her father-in-law, Chuck. And, if you’ve been watching the show as long as I have, her poem may bring a sniffle or two. It’s “Ode to Charlie”, the Basset hound that was always around, until he died.

Most of the recipes are not too complicated. As she says, they’re intended for people with busy lives. The cookbook is beautiful, filled with photos of all that comfort food. It might be a perfect gift for someone who enjoys home cooking.

Ree Drummond’s website is

The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Come and Get It!: Simple, Scrumptious Recipes for Crazy Busy Lives by Ree Drummond. William Morrow, 2017. ISBN 9780062225269 (hardcover), 382p.

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