If you follow my blog long enough, you’ll discover I’m crazy about Heather Graham’s Krewe of Hunters series. Every book involves ghosts, most of them helpful, a romance, mystery, and history of a beautiful city.The Summoning takes one of those special FBI agents who can see or talk to ghosts to Savannah, Georgia.

Dallas Wicker knew he could communicate with ghosts from the time he was ten and a ghost in a Savannah cemetery helped him save a life and find the men who killed his mother. He also knew he wanted to protect and serve people. He’s back in Savannah now, sent to check out two disappearances that may be connected to “officially” haunted places. One of those is the McLane House.

Kristi Stewart inherited the McLane House from her beloved great-uncle. She loves its history, and the story of its residents, Justin McLane who was hanged as a spy for the colonists during the Revolutionary War, and the tragic story of Monty McLane, a Confederate soldier said to have shot his wife and father when he returned home to find federal troops at the house. However, Kristi doesn’t believe the Civil War story, and she doesn’t believe in ghosts. At least she doesn’t believe in ghosts until Justin and Monty appear and tell her they’re worried, and want to protect her. When she runs from the house after seeing the ghosts, she runs right into Dallas Wicker’s arms.

Wicker’s cover story for his investigation in Savannah is that he’s a private investigator looking into the death of a young man who was a friend of Kristi’s. But, once he realizes she sees ghosts and is an expert on local history, he’s willing to discuss his true purpose. He’s there to look into the unexplained disappearances of two people who were concerned about crime in the city. One minute they were walking away. Then they were gone. Kristi and Dallas begin to suspect the disappearances may be connected to the McLane House and another house formerly owned by a family friend, the Murphy House.

The twenty-seventh Krewe of Hunters novel is as suspenseful and intriguing as the earlier ones in the series. It’s always interesting to observe the reaction of a gifted individual who discovers they see ghosts. Kristi felt as if “Her world, her peaceful little world she had just been creating and coming to know and love, had been shattered.” Dallas was shocked as a ten-year-old, but it’s easier for a child to accept the gift.

As I said, there’s mystery, ghosts, and romance. There’s also humor, as anyone who is familiar with The Princess Bride will recognize when Dallas, just starting to fall in love with Kristi, responds, “As you wish.” There’s also the history of Savannah for those of us who appreciate those elements. Graham’s characters and story are always well-developed. The Summoning is another success for Heather Graham.

Heather Graham’s website is TheOriginalHeatherGraham.com

The Summoning by Heather Graham. MIRA, 2019. ISBN 9780778369912 (hardcover), 319p.

FTC Full Disclosure – Library book