Sarah Morgenthaler’s debut romantic comedy, The Tourist Attraction, was just perfect for right now. It’s funny and charming, with a sexy man who hates tourists, a tourist on her dream trip of a lifetime, and a moose named Ulysses. Did I mention that it’s funny?
When Graham Barnett named his run-down diner the Tourist Trap, he meant it as a joke. Graham hates the tourists who come to Moose Springs, Alaska, and do stupid things like pose for selfies with a moose. But, somehow the tourists find his one-man diner, and they love it. Even the wealthy who stay at the local resort love the grumpy Graham who opens his diner when he wants to, and makes the customers clean up and wipe tables before he’ll serve anymore food.
But, Graham has a favorite tourist, Lana Montgomery. She is almost a regular. She comes to Moose Springs twice a year. She’s a trust fund baby, but she gives as good as she gets when she argues with Graham. This time, Lana brings along her best friend, Zoey Caldwell. The two have absolutely nothing in common. While Lana has money, and loves to be the center of attention, Zoey is a truck stop waitress who saved her tips for ten years to make the trip of a lifetime. Alaska was the only item on Zoey’s bucket list.
And, the man who hates tourists and only dates locals falls hard for Zoey Caldwell. In fact, he falls for her in more ways than one when she stumbles out of the woods, sees him with a chainsaw, and attacks him, thinking she’s saving her own life. When the police show up, Zoey feels obligated to defend herself again. “You know those women who are too stupid to live? I refuse to be too stupid to live. I don’t go in evil basements alone, I don’t linger in cornfields on full moons, and I’m definitely not going to let a fully mobile human being with a chainsaw chase me down and stuff my body in a steel shipping container.” Oh, Zoey can come up with all the excuses she wants, but when they’re in a drunk tank together, Graham only finds her amusing.
Zoey’s on a two-week dream trip to Alaska, and Graham has a hands-off policy for tourists. But, in two weeks, a blind dog, a romantic moose, and a run-down diner can change more than one life.
Sarah Morgenthaler’s website says The Tourist Attraction is the first in the Moose Springs, Alaska series. I’m not as ready as some readers to hop on a plane and head to Alaska, but I’m more than willing to pick up the next in this delightful series when the second one comes out. The humor and romance are just perfect, written with a deft touch. Jenn McKinlay’s fans will want to pick up this one.
Sarah Morgenthaler’s website is
The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morgenthaler. Sourcebooks, 2020. ISBN 9781728210483 (paperback), 400p.
FTC Full Disclosure – The publisher sent a copy of the book, hoping I would review it.
Note: Tuesday, May 5 is release date for this book. If you can’t buy it, and your library is still closed, check Overdrive. You might find it online as an ebook or audiobook. Remember, libraries buy the books for our users.
I added this to my library hold list. I figure I’ll get them someday
You will, Sandy. And, this one is worth waiting to read.