It’s taken me a little while to read Jess Montgomery’s debut historical novel. It’s a compelling story
based on two historical figures, and the author has brought them together in a riveting story of two strong women. And, it appears to be the first Sheriff Lily Ross historical mystery.

Lily Ross was content to be the jail mistress in Bronwyn County, Ohio. Her husband, Daniel, is sheriff in the community that’s dependent on mining. But, Bronwyn County has faced its share of mining disasters. Ross Mining Company’s Mine #9 is called the Widowmaker after the cave-in that killed forty-two men. In September 1924, more men are lost in another cave-in, including several men who tried to rescue the miners. Lily’s father was one of them.

Marvena lost her common-law husband when he tried to rescue miners. John and Marvena were attempting to organize the miners, urging them to unionize. Now, Marvena is the force behind the organizing. But, she’s hoping Sheriff Daniel Ross, a childhood friend, will announce he’s siding with the miners instead of his half-brother, Luther, who owns the mines.

While Marvena knows about Daniel’s wife, Lily knows nothing of Marvena. Then men show up to tell her Daniel was killed, probably by a miner. It’s only when Marvena shows up on the day of the funeral, looking for Daniel, that they discover their interest in the same man. But, Lily has marriage on her side, Daniel’s children, and her pregnancy. She also has unexpected power after the Bronwyn County Commission asks Lily to be acting sheriff.

What do two young women have in common other than Daniel Ross? Determination, and “the sisterhood of widows”. Lily’s determined to find Daniel’s killer, while she’s still sheriff, and Marvena wants to learn what happened to her missing teenage daughter. But, both women care about the community, the miners, their wives, their children, their widows. How can two women take on powerful forces? Remember that “sisterhood of widows”.

Montgomery’s novel is based on the story of Ohio’s first female sheriff, and the accounts of the organizing done by activist Mary Harris Jones, Mother Jones. It’s a fascinating book, with more than just a couple strong women. It’s a novel that strives to give women a voice in history.

Jess Montgomery’s website is

The Widows by Jess Montgomery. Minotaur Books, 2019. ISBN 9781250184528 (hardcover), 336p.

FTC Full Disclosure – The publisher sent me a copy of the book, hoping I would review it.