Delia Pitts introduces private investigator Vandy Myrick in Trouble in Queenstown.

It’s hard enough to be a black woman and a cop, but once Vandy Myrick’s world was shattered she moved back to her hometown of Queenstown, New Jersey to become a private investigator. She handles a lot of divorce cases, and Leo Hannah, the mayor’s nephew, asks her to spend a week following his wife, Ivy. He provides several excuses; she might have a lover; he’s thinking about a divorce; she has a stalker; no, maybe Leo is the one with the stalker. The morning Vandy is to turn in her report to Leo, she walks in on a tragedy. There’s a dead man on the floor. Ivy is dying, and Leo says he killed the stalker, a Hispanic taxi driver. The police wrap up the case quickly because the mayor says it’s solved. But, suddenly Vandy has two paying clients who want to know the truth behind the deaths. Vandy’s loved ones are threatened, and she’s beaten, but she’s determined to find the answers in a murder case that reeks of racism, politics, and corruption.

Just a short summary this time. I read the book way back in February. I thought you might want something other than, I’m still at Mom’s.

Delia Pitts’ website is

Trouble in Queenstown by Delia Pitts. Minotaur Books, 2024. ISBN 9781250904218 (hardcover), 320p.

FTC Full Disclosure – I received a galley through NetGalley to review for a journal.