Did I surprise you? No, tomorrow is the day for What Are You Reading. However, I’m not in town
this morning. I’m actually in St. Louis, and will be back this afternoon. I might even have time to finish my current book, and start a new one before we all talk on Thursday.

So, this is just a quick filler. I’m reading Billy Jensen’s nonfiction book, Chase Darkness with Me: How One True-Crime Writer Started Solving Murders. And, I will be reviewing it soon. The title actually sums up the book, but it doesn’t provide Jensen’s background, or how his mother gave him true crime books to read and his father told him about crimes that were covered in the newspaper. And, because I’ve only read fifty pages, there’s so much I don’t know yet.

As I said, it’s a filler today until I can actually “talk” with you tomorrow. In the meantime, it never hurts to mention a book.