It’s Thursday! Time to talk books with a group of friends again. So, let’s talk about what we’re reading.

Winslow Homer: American Passage by William R. Cross is a dense book. It’s 560 pages, and I’m sure I’m not going to get through it. At least the last 100 pages or so are index. The book is heavy as heck, so when I say dense, I mean it. But, I do want a flavor of it, and I want to see the colored illustrations of some of Homer’s paintings. There’s a new exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, “Winslow Homer: Crosscurrents”. It runs through July 31, but I’ll be back in New York next week to receive the Raven Award from Mystery Writers of America, and I plan to take advantage of the trip. I hope to get to the Met next Friday to see the exhibit.

So, that’s what I’m reading at the moment. What about you? What are you reading this week?

Oh, and because there was a question, and I forgot to mention this, I have my comments about “Secrets of Dumbledore”. I loved it, but I’m not the most critical of moviegoers, especially since I hadn’t been to a movie in almost 2 1/2 years. It was dark, but not as dark as the second in the series. And, the Fantastic Beasts were wonderful! There was a new one, sort of a cross between a colt and a fawn. And, my favorite one, the little platypus-type thief was back. Eddie Redmayne is excellent, and I liked the actor who played his brother, Theseus. We had both been disappointed in the second movie because of the lack of cute beasts, and the dark, almost Nazi atmosphere to that one. Jude Law was terrific as Dumbledore. You really have to have seen the previous movies though to know what was going on.