It doesn’t even feel as if I’ve done anything except work this week. I know I haven’t read much. Instead, I’ve just been going to bed early or talking on the phone with family and friends. My mother’s birthday was Tuesday, and we all piled on. My youngest sister and some of her family visited. The rest of us called throughout the evening. She had a great day.

I’m just about to start Heather Graham’s latest Krewe of Hunters novel, Sound of Darkness. You all know I’m addicted to this series. The Krewe of Hunters is an elite group of FBI agents who have abilities to hear or see the dead. Since I haven’t started this one yet, here’s the blurb of the 36th in the series.

The cries of the dead are deafening

Women are being taken in Virginia, and FBI agent Mark Gallagher is determined to put a stop to it. Certain he’s closing in on the killer known as The Embracer, Mark is less than thrilled when he’s partnered with rookie agent Colleen Law, worried she’s a liability when there’s so much at stake.

But like everyone in the Krewe of Hunters, Colleen has talents that extend beyond the usual investigative toolbox. She can hear the voices of the victims in her head, and they’re telling her she and Mark are near to uncovering the truth.

When Mark’s prime suspect takes a liking to Colleen, he’s surprisingly protective of his new partner, even as he admits her connection to the victims is key. But tense interrogations turn dangerously personal when someone close to Colleen goes missing, luring the agents deep into the shadows of wooded rural Virginia, where nobody can hear them scream.

What about you? What have you been doing this week? And, what have you been reading?