I don’t expect a lot of posts today, but just in case you want to drop in, I’m around. No big plans for
today, and I work tomorrow, so I didn’t leave town. If you drop by, tell us what you’re reading today or this week.

On the recommendation of my friend Kaye Wilkinson Barley, I’m reading Rick Steves’ Travel as a Political Act. I’m not far into it, but I’ll give my parents credit right now for taking us to historical and cultural sites on our vacations when we were young. Steves says it’s fine to be a tourist, but Ireland is more than pubs and traditional music. (That was directed at me, since I always want to hear the traditional music.) But, even on our trip to Ireland, we went to the GPO, and bought tickets to learn about the Easter Rising, toured historical sites, went to parks with my brother-in-law’s cousin who told us one of the parks was his favorite in Dublin. As much as I loved the pubs and music, we also appreciated the historical and cultural opportunities. Steves encourages travelers, saying we’ll understand more of our world if we pay attention and meet the people when we travel. As I said, I’m not too far into the book, so I know there’s much more meat to it.

What are you reading today or this week? Or what are you listening to?