I’ll be meeting with a consultant at work for much of the workday today, so I’ll only have time to check in at lunchtime. I’m still interested, and I know others are, in what you’re reading.
As I’m writing this, I’m a third of the way through the first Chief Inspector Alan Banks mystery by Peter Robinson. It turns out I’ve read Gallows View before. Have you done that, with that vague feeling, I know I’ve read this, but I can’t really remember the plot? So, I’m starting over with the series to get a feel for it. It’s a police procedural set in Yorkshire, England. As with all good police procedurals, the reader gets to know the team and read about a few crimes and investigations. In this case, there’s a peeping Tom, and the escalation of crimes from break-ins at homes of the elderly to murder.
What are you reading this week? We’d like to catch up with what you’re reading or listening to.
Oh, and I’ll share a recent interview on BookBub with you.
I finished COOKIN' THE BOOKS by Amy Patricia Reade. A good debut in a new series. I liked that Tish's new Cafe entrees have literary names The Old Man and Sea Bream. They were clever. What I didn't like was the incessant description of what characters wore down to their shoes. I will read the next one. I liked the setting and the characters.
Now I am reading THE VICTORY GARDEN by Rhys Bowen. It's an easy read but so far I am finding it only okay and have considered just giving up on it.
Happy Reading!
Yes, I've done it too! I start to read what I think is "the next book" in a series but it seems familiar. That's OK, maybe I started it but put it down at some point, so I go on. Then I realize at some point that no, I really did read the whole thing.
Anyway, I've noticed lately that my problem with reading is that rather than picking up a book and reading it straight through, my habit has become reading three or four (or occasionally five) books at once, so I can go a while without finishing a book, then finish three in a couple of days. Probably not the best way to do things. I start in the morning with a short story or two, then go on to the novels. Plus, several library books and ebooks came in at once, so which to read first?
So, the only book I finished this week was THAT OLD SCOUNDREL DEATH, which was (sadly) the last Sheriff Dan Rhodes book by Bill Crider.
Current reading: someone here last week (too lazy to check who) recommended Martin Walker's books about BRUNO, CHIEF OF POLICE (the first title) in a smallish town in southwestern France. I'm halfway through the first book (there is a nasty murder) and it is growing on me after a little bit of a slow start.
I'm reading (mainly re-reading, though I don't remember the details) Raoul Whitfield's WEST OF GUAM, the complete collection of his Jo Gar (Philippine PI) stories, which are very atmospheric.
Because I enjoyed her book of essays a lot and you can never have enough short story collections to read (and because my library does not have a copy), I bought a copy of Elinor Lipman's collection, INTO LOVE AND OUT AGAIN, and have started reading a story a day from that one too.
I downloaded the latest Allen Eskens book, THE SHADOWS WE HIDE, from the library because I forgot that I hadn't read it last year when it came out. One chapter read so far. And now I got an email saying the Charlie Jane Anders ebook on hold (ALL THE BIRDS IN THE SKY) is available to borrow.
And I didn't mention that this week I bought (for a dollar or two each) complete ebook collections of Henry James, Anthony Trollope, and Wilkie Collins.
I am never going to catch up.
Since itβs been snowy and cold here I finally had time to read.
I did a beta read of WHEN MEMORY FAILS by LC Hayden. A retired police detective helps a young couple search for a hidden ledger. The problem is that her family will do anything to stop them from finding it.
NIGHT CHASER by Amanda Bouchet. I was expecting a sci-fi book not a sci-fi romance. Not a series that Iβm going to continue with.
SPY CAMP by Stuart Gibbs. Book 2 in his spy school series.
SLAY BELLS by T.C. Wescott. A cozy mystery which was only fair.
I bet we've all had that niggling feeling that we've read a book but are not sure. We all talk about books so much, right? This week I've been reading a little outside of my usual 'box'.
I read THE EATING INSTINCT by Virginia Sole-Smith. It's a discussion of 'food culture, body image, and guilt in America'. It actually starts with the author relating how her infant daughter stopped eating because of medical trauma (she had a congenital heart defect that needed to be repaired) and how they had to 'teach' her to eat again because she stopped almost completely. I've been on a journey to better health and I found this book quite fascinating in many parts.
I also listened to KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON by David Grann. This was for an upcoming book group discussion. Three narrators – two were lovely, one was incredibly tiresome. The book itself was interesting indeed. I look forward to the discussion.
Now I'm listening to THE SILENT PATIENT and have just started to get into the story. And I'm still reading Kelley Armstrong's first Rockton book, CITY OF THE LOST (been reading that one for quite a while).
Always love hearing about what everyone else is reading!
Just finished The Hunting Party by Lucy Foley. It was good, not OMG good, but good. Some surprises and twists. Keeps your attention and you want to know what happens next.
Just started Posion but Lydia Chang. It is a period piece centered around the 1918 flu epidemic, but some victims are actually murder victims. So far it is interesting. Time will tell.
Who is the mysterious young woman found murdered at a wedding reception? In Jonathan Kellerman's THE WEDDING GUEST, no one on on the bride's or the grooms's side seems to know. So it's up to long-time collaborators Milo Sturgis of the LAPD and psychologist Alex Delaware to find out. This 34th entry in the Alex Delaware series is a welcome opportunity to spend time with these two familiar characters, as well as a fascinating mystery. I have found some of Kellerman's books a bit lacking lately, but I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
I used to enjoy Sophie Kinsella's Shopaholic books, then got fed up with how clueless and self-centered the protagonist remained throughout. I have liked the author's standalones more, although I almost gave up in the first half of I OWE YOU ONE because Fixie Farr (what a name!) allowed herself to be used as a doormat by a returning flame, and even more by her self-centered sister and brother. The three siblings are tending the family shop while their mother recovers abroad from a heart problem, but Fixie finds it hard to say no to her brother, who has delusions of grandeur, and her sister, who can't seem to do anything except look beautiful (not even be a wife). I found myself speed-reading until I passed the middle of the book, when the reader finally gets some relief and Fixie finds the courage to assert herself, both in the shop and with a new boyfriend. Despite it all, I can't say I didn't enjoy it.
I particularly liked the first half of Lisa Gornick's THE PEACOCK FEAST, as we learned about centenarian Prudence, whose father worked as a gardener at the estate of Louis Comfort Tiffany and who later became an interior decorator, and about her grand-niece Grace, who comes to visit her unexpectedly and fills in details about the family's history. I admired the author's writing style and the unique details she provided about this extended family. However, I found the last half of the book unnecessarily tragic, even as I admired the author's prose.
And yes, I remember being halfway through a James Swain book and getting that feeling–hmmm, this sounds familiar. Fortunately, it didn't ruin my enjoyment of the book!
Just finished An Anonymous Girl – it's on the Times Best Seller List -not for everyone -it annoys me when people are totally motivated by money which is how this girl got into this mess. I am surprised that so many people can read more than one book at a time. Once I start a book I am compelled to know how the story ends – I guess it is an obsession – my housekeeping suffers from it!
Hi, Lesa and everyone.
Just checking in again this week.
Still not reading mysteries at this time.
Spending time in my Bible course.
Believing everyone is enjoying their reading time.
This for Jeff, still ππ»ππ» each morning for the continued healing of your shoulder. Keep us updated when you can.
Happy reading to all.
Iβm actually in the middle of a Middle Grade fantasy novel rosy – The Revenge of Magic by James Riley. This is the first in a new series from him, and I always enjoy his books.
Thanks a lot, Charlotte, much appreciated. It is definitely better – I have PT at 2:00 today – and I hope by the time I go back to the doctor five weeks from now he will give me a clean bill of health. It was very interesting seeing the new x-rays and comparing them with the last set. You can definitely see the healing since then, though I still have a ways to go.
I was the one who recommended Bruno Chief of Police.
I read:
Dead Man Running by Steve Hamilton; Alex McKnight seems almost competent, while the FBI earns its current reputation in pursuit of the usual serial killer.
Bangkok 8 by John Burdett; Apparently not the guy shilling for Motel 6. Police procedural set in Bangkok as an American marine dies via snakebite.
The Sherlockian by Graham Moore; about the lost manuscript of Sherlock mysteries.
Cape Refuge by Terri Blackstock; Inspirational mystery set on a Georgia Sea Island.
The Line Matin Limon; NCIS: Korea as MP try to solve the murder of a SoKo soldier on the demilitarized zone.
Six Gun Law by James Reasoner and LJ Washburn; A marshal in southern Wyoming tries to keep peace in a frontier town.
I love catching up with all of you. You know how you "picture" characters in your mind when you read? I picture all of you sitting down to type your list of this week's books. Thank you for taking the time!
Right there with you, Jeff. I never talk about the current book I'm reading for Library Journal. I do review them here when the book is released. I'm reading two for them right now, books that come out in May and June. One is a mystery/western. The other is a story collection. I'm also reading Gallows View. A friend sent me a book of essays yesterday. I'm a sucker for them. It's called A Book of Delights by Ross Gay. For a year, he wrote essays about things that delighted him each day. I've read about five, and I'm enjoying them. It looks like a book that will make me pause and think.
So, just checking in with all of you to catch up on your reading, and say thank you!
Finished earlier today the third book in the Sheriff Hank Worth series, A DEADLY TURN. One heck of a book. This is a series that needs to be read in order. I wrote out my review in longhand this afternoon and will get my son, Scott, to type it up when he has time.
Late this afternoon when I was sitting outside at the vast palatial Casa Tipple estate in NE Dallas where it hit 70 (whoohoo!!!!!!!!!!!! as it was freaking 19 Monday morning and never got above freezing all day), I started reading STRANGER DIARIES by Elly Griffiths. I am a huge fan of her Ruth Galloway series and am aware she has other series that I have not read. I am about 50 pages in and don't know what to make of it yet. Not bored, but not massively interested yet either. It is a bit interesting so I am staying with it for now.
(who was almost stopped from commenting by the new verify images nonsense)
I have always reqad more than one book at a time. Right now I start off with regular print books and then as the day goes on I pick up the large print. Not every book I want to read comes in large print. I just started A Face to Die For by Andrea Kane – book whatever in her FI series…Of Blood and Bone by Nora Roberts – this one is slow going and I may send it back until I am more in the mood…Stay Hidden by Paul Doiron – A Maine game warden mystery…Circle of Influence by Annette Dashofy – the first in her Zoe Chambers series…
Kevin, I'm glad you hung in there. Terrific book – A Deadly Turn.
And, I'm jealous as heck about that 70 degrees.
I read more than one book, too, Gram. I understand, though, why you'd move to large print as the day goes on. My eyes start to bother me sometimes around 8 pm or so.
A Deadly Turn never was questioned. Simply a great book.
I get the large print whenever I can. I very much need new glasses and I think Scott does too so we will be spending part of the 20th during Spring Break for Scott doing eye appointments. It is also going to be a very hard day as I don't think Dr. Bunch and his staff, who knew Sandi was fighting cancer and had been in our lives since the early 80s, is no longer here with us. It will be another very emotional deal for all of us.
I just finished From the Ground Up by Howard Schultz (memoir from the Starbucks guy) and have started Petty Cash, a forensic accounting mystery by Leeann Betts.
Kevin, I'm happy to see you "came back" after Blogger tried to turn the experience into a disaster. Thank you for braving those pictures. And, good luck at the eye doctor's. I'm sorry.
I imagine there will be a few people picking up From the Ground Up, Patricia.
Finally back to commenting. I got back from PT and my computer was reconfiguring for 1 1/2!
Just starting:
1. No One Here Is Lonely by Sarah Everett. The print is dark which is easier me to see and the story zips along.
2. The Bridge Home by Padma Venketran, et in Chennai,India. Two sisters run away from their abusive father. He broke their mother's arm in a argument! Now they are on their own, they could not persuade their mother to leave. She refused, she did not know how they could survive because she had no skills.
Reading while waiting for a book from an author to arrive for reading and review. Trying to whittle down my list while waiting.