I’ll be meeting with a consultant at work for much of the workday today, so I’ll only have time to check in at lunchtime. I’m still interested, and I know others are, in what you’re reading.

As I’m writing this, I’m a third of the way through the first Chief Inspector Alan Banks mystery by Peter Robinson. It turns out I’ve read Gallows View before. Have you done that, with that vague feeling, I know I’ve read this, but I can’t really remember the plot? So, I’m starting over with the series to get a feel for it. It’s a police procedural set in Yorkshire, England. As with all good police procedurals, the reader gets to know the team and read about a few crimes and investigations. In this case, there’s a peeping Tom, and the escalation of crimes from break-ins at homes of the elderly to murder.

What are you reading this week? We’d like to catch up with what you’re reading or listening to.

Oh, and I’ll share a recent interview on BookBub with you.
