Our first “What Are You Reading?” of the new year! Did you have time to read over the holidays? I hope you had time to spend with loved ones, and a little time to yourself for a book or several.

I have two books to talk about today. One is a novel, and I’ll review it next week. Jess Montgomery’s The Widows  is a fascinating debut, set in Ohio. She based her characters on the stories of two actual women. One was Ohio’s first female sheriff. The other was the woman who organized miners, and became known as Mother Jones. It’s set in Appalachia, in mining country. I like Montgomery’s voice and her two characters.

The other book is nonfiction, and, even though I’ve already read a couple entries it will be a while until there’s an actual review. Maria Popova and Claudia Bedrick edited a collection called A Velocity of Being: Letters to a Young Reader. There are letters from contributors such as Ursula K. LeGuin, Neil Gaiman, Jane Goodall, Yo-You Ma, Mary Oliver, Jacqueline Woodson. All the authors wrote letters to young people saying why they should read, what they can discover in books. It’s not just authors who wrote. The book has pieces by a Holocaust surviver, scientists, philosophers. Then, artists illustrated each letter. It’s a beautiful book, but while I slowly read through it, it will reside on my pile of coffee table books that I dive into now and then.

That’s what I’m reading right now. What about you? Let’s start the new year by sharing what we’re reading.