Rain here this week, and cooler temperatures. We were so lucky on our trip to Cincinnati. We had good weather, except for the time we had to shelter during the tornado warning. Great weather for the zoo, though, mid-80s and sunny, but the zoo has a great deal of shade.

I’m currently reading Lee Goldberg’s September release, Ashes Never Lie. It’s the second book featuring his arson investigators, Sharpe and Walker. They start out investigating a burned out car, but end up in a new housing development where empty houses are going up in flames. They also take on a case with a burned body inside a house. Because the police are called in, Goldberg’s characters Eve Ronin and Duncan Pavone are on the scene. Walker, who misses his days chasing bad guys as a U.S. marshal, doesn’t mind working with Ronin as they insert themselves into a case that shouldn’t involve them.

As always with Goldberg’s recent novels, there’s black humor and smart alecky remarks. I’m liking this one.

What about you? What are you reading this week? I hope you had a good reading week, and a good personal one.