Welcome to what Kaye Wilkinson Barley calls “Thursdays at Lesa’s”. Great name for Thursday if I didn’t already call it “What Are You Reading?” Or, I should say, what’s going on with your weather, your life, and your reading. We talk about all of that on Thursdays here.

It just felt as if it was a good day to remind us all that we enjoy sharing life here. I won’t be around much today, beginning with the afternoon. My sister and I are heading home to Mom’s to celebrate her birthday. We’ll pick up my other sister on Friday before a birthday lunch. She’s staying overnight, so all Mom’s daughters will be home for her birthday. And, really? That’s all she wants.

I won’t tell you how many years ago this was, but we’re going to celebrate again with lots of love and laughter.

So, that’s what I’m doing this weekend.

I am reading a book, thanks to Marleen Kennedy. Marleen mentioned this series last Thursday. She’s a librarian and author in Ireland, and I’ve “known” her on social media for what seems like forever. Thanks, Marleen, for mentioning The Picture House Murders by Fiona Veitch Smith. Here’s the blurb.

1929: Miss Clara Vale is a woman ahead of her time. Rather than attending Oxford to bag an eligible Duke (as her mother, Lady Vale, so desperately hoped), she threw herself into a degree in chemistry, with aspirations to become a scientist in her own right. But the world isn’t ready for Clara. Unable to land a job in science because she’s a woman, she is stuck behind the desk at a dingy London library. Until her estranged Uncle dies suddenly, leaving her his private detective agency, and laboratory, in his will. Clara couldn’t become a detective, could she? The decision is made for her when one of her uncle’s old clients comes to her for help with a case surrounding the local picture house and invites Clara to see the latest show, before they discuss the details. But during the film, a fire suddenly engulfs the picture house, with tragic consequences.
It seems at first an accident, but Clara soon begins to question if it was in fact a carefully orchestrated murder. She’s suddenly in the middle of a deadly mystery and will discover her scientific skills make her a sleuth to be reckoned with… Can she catch the killer before they strike again?

What about you? What are you doing this week? What are you reading?