The weather has been great, and I enjoyed my trip home for my mother’s birthday. I know how much she enjoyed it. Her three daughters were home. Her granddaughter came to visit on Friday evening. And, two of her “adopted” daughters, my sisters’ best friends, spent time with us. My brother-in-law came for church and dinner on Saturday night. We had lunch with her youngest brother and his wife. And, we went to a craft show down at the park. Her grandchildren called to wish her happy birthday. She loved all the family time.

I didn’t read a thing while I was gone.

Right now, I’m reading Nelson DeMille’s Plum Island, the first John Corey novel. Aubrey Hamilton recommended it, saying John Corey reminded her of Virgil Flowers from John Sandford’s novels. I don’t see much of a resemblance, except for some humor, and they both love women. DeMille wrote an introduction to this edition, saying he didn’t plan to make it a series, but when it became a bestseller in 1997, his editor wanted the next John Corey book. I’ve read 345 pages, out of 576. It could have used some editing, especially when it came to the chapter about the tour of Plum Island. It felt as if we saw every square foot of that facility.

Two scientists were murdered at their home, shot in the head. While all the investigators, local police, FBI, CIA, seem satisfied that the couple were trying to steal a vaccine, and make a killing, Corey isn’t quite so comfortable with that theory. He knew the couple, and he thinks something else was going on, so he continues to investigate.

Good book, but I have so many other books to read that I doubt I’ll continue with the series. However, I recommended it to a brother-in-law, and he finished it, and picked up the next two.

What about you? What’s going on in your life? What are you reading this week?