Happy Thursday! I’m writing this 50 minutes before it goes live. My sister, Linda, and I drove in from Toronto in pouring rain on Wednesday. The rain started when we crossed the border. What should have been a seven hour drive was nine hours because of the torrential downpours all the way from New York to Ohio, and Linda drove the entire way. Kudos and thanks to her.

We split the driving when we went up on Monday. We had reservations at an inn, that I will not name here, but I took one look at it, and said, I’m not staying. Terrible neighborhood. Terrible looking building. And, Linda told her husband we would probably have brought back bedbugs. Just yech. Fortunately, I called the Soho Hotel Toronto. They were totally booked when I tried to get a reservation earlier, but we were lucky. They now had one room available, and I scooped it up. What a difference. That hotel is in the entertainment district, within easy walking distance of the financial district, and we felt totally safe out walking to and from Roy Thomson Hall at night.

We went up to see “Broadway Blockbusters with Ramin Karimloo and Mikaela Bennett” with the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Steven Reineke, conductor. Bennett and Ramin are both originally from Canada, although neither lives there now. The concert was magical. And, despite the fact that I’m the biggest Ramin Karimloo fan in the family, Linda enjoyed the concert as much as I did. I’ve seen Ramin Karimloo four times in Les Miz on Broadway, twice in Anastasia, twice in Funny Girl. Linda and I saw him with his Broadgrass Band in Columbus, Indiana, and I flew to Ft. Lauderdale to see him with Sierra Boggess and Seth Rudetsky. And, we have tickets to see him in Pirates of Penzance in May 2025 on Broadway.

Ramin Karimloo and Mikaela Bennett

As much as I adore Ramin, I have to tell you about the conductor, Steven Reineke. He’s the Music Director of the New York Pops at Carnegie Hall, as well as the Principal Pops Conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Houston Symphony, and Toronto Symphony Orchestra. If you ever get the chance to see him conduct an orchestra, grab it. He’s an entertainer himself, dancing up on the podium, and enjoying himself. He’s a treat to watch. I used to enjoy Keith Lockhart (Conductor of the Boston Pops) when he conducted the Naples (FL) Philharmonic Orchestra as a guest conductor. Reineke is even more fun to watch.

So, the concert was wonderful., with songs from Les Miserables, The Phantom of the Opera, The Bridges of Madison County, The Man of La Mancha, and other Broadway shows. Linda and I walked and walked and walked on a gorgeous day on Tuesday, then walked to the concert that night. And, Wednesday drove home in that rain.

All that to say, I didn’t read anything this week. I’m currently reading The Arizona Triangle by Sydney Graves for a review. But, I’ve said enough this week, sharing Toronto.

I’m just going to remind you to pick out 3-5 books that you’ve read this year, if you’d like to talk about them on July 4 or July 11, whichever date works for you. Just short comments since it will be on “What Are You Reading?” And, to answer Rosemary’s question, it doesn’t have to have been written in 2024. Just a few books you read and enjoyed in the first half of the year. And, you don’t have to do it, either. This isn’t a “requirement”. Nothing that feels like homework.

This week, I hope you’ll tell us what you’ve been doing. And, of course, “What Are You Reading?”