No real news or weather reports from here this week, so I’m going to dive right into books.

Kim Hays recommended Phil Rickman’s Merrily Watkins series the other day, so I picked up the first one, The Wine of Angels. I liked the premise. But, Kim? Don’t feel bad if I don’t get into it. Six hundred pages! Plus, I”m easily distracted by books I have to read for Library Journal. So, I’m going to give it a try, but we all know I don’t always finish the books I mention on Thursdays. Since I’ve only read the prologue, here’s the blurb.

The new vicar had never wanted a picture-postcard parish—or a huge and haunted vicarage. Nor had she wanted to walk into a dispute over a controversial play about a 17th-century clergyman accused of witchcraft, a story that certain long-established families would rather remained obscure. But this is Ledwardine, steeped in cider and secrets. A paradise of cobbled streets and timber-framed houses. And also—as Merrily Watkins and her teenage daughter, Jane, discover—a village where horrific murder is a tradition that spans centuries.

The seventeenth in this series will be released in November, so, if I like it, I have a whole new series.

What about you? What are you reading this week? Did anyone entice you to try a new book?