Last week was gorgeous weather for most of us, but this week we’re back into summer, the heat of August. I spent a couple days at my Mom’s. We had a family reunion yesterday. Mom was so pleased that all three of her daughters were there. I can honestly say I talked with one cousin that I probably haven’t seen in fifty-five years or so. I think everyone had a good time.

Before I jump into my book, I want to talk about all of you. I always give Jeff Meyerson credit for the idea of “What Are You Reading?’ In the last couple days, including at the reunion, three people asked about my blog. I told them I usually review mysteries and thrillers. But, I suggested they stop by on Thursdays. I said that’s the day people from all over talk about what they’re reading, and give short summaries. Then, they can get more eclectic reading suggestions than just my reviews. So, thank you, Jeff, and thank you to everyone who jumps in to talk about books. You make this site more welcoming to everyone.

I know I mentioned James Byrne’s first Dez Limerick thriller, The Guardian. This week, I’m halfway through the second book in the series, Deadlock. Desmond Aloysius Limerick (“Dez” to his friends and close personal enemies) is a man with a shadowy past, certain useful hard-won skills, and, if one digs deep enough, a reputation as a good man to have at your back. Now retired from his previous life, Dez is just a bloke with a winning smile, a bass guitar, and bullet wounds that paint a road map of past lives. Laleh Swann, a business journalist hot on the trail of an auditor who was mugged and killed, lands in the hospital just one day after her Portland apartment is ransacked. When Jaleh’s sister, Raziah, reaches out to an old friend for help, Dez has no choice but to answer. The Swann sisters have been pulled into a dizzying web of cover-ups and danger. At the center lies an insidious Oregon-based tech corporation, Clockjack, which has enough money and hired guns to silence just about anyone.

I love this character, Dez Limerick. He’s a good guy opposed to the bad guys. And, it’s interesting to see how the bad guys are able to infiltrate our social media and our technological networks. It’s a little scary. I’m just sad that this is my last Dez Limerick for a year and a half. I’ve already read the one that comes out at the end of January. Darn.

Next Monday night, my sister and I have tickets to an event at a public library. Amanda Jones, a Louisiana librarian and the author of That Librarian will talk about her battle against book banning. I’m sure she’ll talk about the death threats she’s received. Something else I find frightening. I’ll write about the event and her book sometime next week.

What about you? What have you been doing this week? Weather report! And, let’s talk books. What Are You Reading?