The weather has been nice this week, but I was a little disappointed yesterday. Over five years ago (before COVID closed the world down), I saw Peter Yarrow and Noel Paul Stookey of Peter, Paul and Mary. They performed in Denver when I was there for a conference. Wonderful concert, and I bought tickets to see them here in Columbus in a couple weeks. But, I had a notice today that the program was cancelled due to illness. Darn. I was hoping to see them one last time. They’re both 86, so I don’t know how much longer they’ll be touring.

Last week, when I mentioned my schedule, I thought I’d be telling you about Amanda Jones, author of That Librarian. I was off by a week. She’s at the library next Monday. September has a messy schedule for me.

Remember when I mentioned the book about cemeteries in Ohio? That led to my current book, Edgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River Anthology. Many of us read it years ago. I read it in high school, and I even saw a play put on in one of the local churches. Now, I picked it up to reread. If you don’t remember it, it’s a book of dramatic monologues written in free verse about a fictional town called Spoon River. It’s based on the Midwestern towns where Masters grew up. The stories of scandals and secret tragedies are recognizable as events from all towns. Masters “raises the dead sleeping on the hill in their village cemetery to tell the truth about their lives”.

So, there’s my week. What about you? How’s your week? And, what have you been reading this week?