Checking in before I head to West Virginia today with my family where we’re taking a short train trip tomorrow. But, it’s almost a five hour drive, so we’re going down today, and staying overnight a couple nights.

And, I’m sorry to talk about that and our beautiful weather when I know some of you are facing fires and even hurricanes. We’re getting into that dramatic time of year again, aren’t we? Stay safe, everyone.

Of course, I’m reading Amanda Jones’ book, That Librarian, after listening to her speak on Monday night. Yesterday, I wrote a recap of her appearance at The Bexley Public Library. For those who didn’t read the recap, here’s the summary of the book.

One of the things small town librarian Amanda Jones values most about books is how they can affirm a young person’s sense of self. So in 2022, when she caught wind of a local public hearing that would discuss “book content,” she knew what was at stake. Schools and libraries nationwide have been bombarded by demands for books with LGTBQ+ references, discussions of racism, and more to be purged from the shelves. Amanda would be damned if her community were to ban stories representing minority groups. She spoke out that night at the meeting. Days later, she woke up to a nightmare that is still ongoing.

Amanda Jones has been called a groomer, a pedo, and a porn-pusher; she has faced death threats and attacks from strangers and friends alike. Her decision to support a collection of books with diverse perspectives made her a target for extremists using book banning campaigns-funded by dark money organizations and advanced by hard right politicians-in a crusade to make America more white, straight, and “Christian.” But Amanda Jones wouldn’t give up without a fight: she sued her harassers for defamation and urged others to join her in the resistance.

Mapping the book banning crisis occurring all across the nation, That Librarian draws the battle lines in the war against equity and inclusion, calling book lovers everywhere to rise in defense of our readers.

I’m not far into the book, and, since I’ll be out of town, it’s going to take me a while to read it. But, for all of us who have the opportunity to read anything we want, That Librarian is a frightening book.

What about you? Are you in a bad weather situation? I know there are parts of California and Nevada affected, so I worry about some of you. Take care of yourself. And, if you have time, tell us what you’re reading this week.