While we’re getting much needed rain, I’m afraid readers in the south might be getting more wind and rain than they want from Helene. Take care of yourselves!

Have you ever seen the movie “Big Fish” or the musical or read the book? My sister and I went to see a local production last Sunday afternoon. I’ve seen it twice before, but this was the best production I’ve seen. Great voices in this musical version! And, it’s a show that makes me cry all the way through.

On Thursdays, I usually write about a book that everyone can get right now, but I’m enjoying Rosanne Limoncelli’s The Four Queens of Crime so much that I’m writing about it as I read it, six months before release date. I’ll remind you of the book again in March, if it lives up to the first half. The Four Queens of Crime are writers Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, Ngaio Marsh and Margery Allingham. In 1938, they agree to act as hosts to raise money for the Women’s Voluntary Service, just in case Britain enters the war. The gala is held at the home of Baronet Sir Henry Heathcote. But, the next morning, there are four writers present when a body is found in the library.

I’m loving this traditional mystery. Detective Chief Inspector Lilian Wyles is one of the officers assigned to the murder investigation. Wyles was the first woman DCI of the Metropolitan Police. And, Wyles and the four mystery authors are not the only real-life people in this mystery. But, Wyles knows to capitalize on the authors’ expertise.

As I said, I’ll remind you of the book in March, but I was excited and wanted to talk about it. What about you? What are you doing this week? What are you reading? Stay safe, please!