Actually, I just finished a book, a marvelous book that made me nostalgic for the years when I was an adolescent reader. Author Ann Hood is only a few months older than me, so some of the books that she read and loved were ones I read around the same age. She talks about them in a wonderful book that is scheduled for release on August 1,Morningstar: Growing Up with Books. We didn’t have the same childhood, and I was lucky to have a public library for all of my reading youth, which Hood did not. But, we shared one memory she only touches on.

How many of you remember the Childhood of Famous Americans series? Hood describes them as orange-covered, and they were in the Huron Public Library where I read them. On LibraryThing, there is a list of those books.   The titles bring back such memories! I remember Elizabeth Blackwell: Girl Doctor. I know I read Annie Oakley: Little Sure Shot, and I was positive that an insect would fly into my ear, and then I’d go deaf or die from it. I read Lotta Crabtree: Gold Rush Girl. I know I read all of them the library had, which wasn’t a lot. When I look at that list on LibraryThing, I wish we’d had more of them.

Memories. The book I just read brought back memories. What are you reading right now? Is it a book  that resonates with you? I hope you’re enjoying whatever book you’re going to share with us!