Well, yesterday was interesting on the blog as we all talked about our new normal, or what isn’t
normal, and what we’ve been doing a little different. Thanks everyone who spoke up.
So, before we jump into what we’re reading, does anyone else want to talk about what they miss or the “new normal”? Are you all doing okay, or not?
Well, I finished a book that’s released in September, reading it for a journal. I can tell you what I’m reading this weekend, though. I have an ARC of Linda Castillo’s Outsider. The latest Kate Burkholder is released on Tuesday, July 7, so, hopefully, you’ll be able to read it soon as well, if you’re interested. I haven’t started it yet, though.
So, what did you read this week? Or, if you’d rather talk about your weekend reading, of course, that’s okay. What are you reading lately?
Good morning.
I read MARSHMALLOW MALICE by Amanda Flower. Candy, Amish country, murder, and a spotted pig.
FOUR WEDDINGS AND AN ALIEN by Fiona Roark. Aliens have family issues too.
An ARC of PLOTTED FOR MURDER by AFC Bookens. A cozy mystery set in a bookstore.
We do miss restaurants, I guess, but are pretty much used to eating at home now, so that's OK. Concerts? I'm happy to wait until next year and see how things look then.
I'm looking forward to OUTSIDER. I just downloaded the next to last of her Burkholder short stories, and Jackie is finally getting to book #5 in the series.
Current reading: STORMSONG by C. L. Polk, second in her fantasy series (the first won Best Fantasy), set in a post-WWI era.
A couple of short story collections: THE BIG BOOK OF REEL MURDERS (ed. Otto Penzler), short stories that were turned into movies, like "Witness for the Prosecution" and "Rear Window." Also a collection of horror stories by Ray Garton.
I did finish the somewhat disappointing THE SAFETY NET by Andrea Camilleri. It wasn't as tight or satisfying (or funny) as most of his Insp. Salvo Montalbano books.
Also read James Sallis's TIME'S HAMMERS Vol. 2, the collected short stories.
Today will be a test of sorts, as we are going downtown to Trader Joe's for the first time.
Sandy, Your summary of Amanda Flower's book read as if Glen had written it. Funny! Actually, all of your descriptions did today. It's nice to know that aliens have family issues, too. Ha!
I'm wishing us all good luck with concerts and theater next year, Jeff. We'll see. You'll have to let me know how Trader Joe's goes. I would think they'd be super-organized, because, except for their parking lots, they seem to be. Let me know. Too bad about the Andrea Camilleri. What a disappointment.
A slow reading week for me. The heat has arrived in Central Ohio this week which saps my energy despite my air conditioned house.
I was able to pick up 2 more reserve books from my library which was pretty exciting. We have curbside pickup by appointment and only books owned by my branch are available. They currently are not transferring books from branch to branch.
I finished MURDER IN THE STORYBOOK COTTAGE by Ellery Adams. I enjoyed this one very much.
Next I read THE LOVE STORY OF MISSY CARMICHAEL by Beth Morrey. A pleasant read but not very special to me. I didn't really connect with any of the characters.
Now I am reading SOURDOUGH by Robin Sloan.
Happy Reading!
Our Trader Joe's has Senior Hours – 9-10am..and they clean the carts between customers and only let 10 at a time in – it's a small store. The associates wear masks and gloves, and in our state you have to wear a mask in stores too. It has been a great experience during this shelter-in-place.
Good Luck, Jeff!
I have been reading. A lot. And trying to vary the type of book I pick up. A couple of days ago I finished Queen Malone's Paradise Hotel by Ruth Hogan. Didn't know what to expect, but I absolutely LOVED this book. It is definitely one of the top 2 or 3 books I've read so far this year.
Now that activities are picking up again I kind of long for less on my to-do list. I just couldn't keep up with the virtual ALA conference and Rotary convention — both last week. (I was in two ALA Zoom committee meetings and that was it.) Locally we're trying to figure out how to conduct fundraisers when in-person events are a no-go. (Our Rotary Club is having Catering for Coats. The caterer for our golf outing banquet is preparing meals (individually packaged) and Rotarians will deliver them for at-home dining. Proceeds purchase winter coats for school kids…..Our woman's club is planning an online auction since we can't have our Bunco party in October.)
I've enjoyed all the Burkholder series — thanks for the notice about this one. Yesterday I finally finished Sharp: The Women Who Made an Art of Having an Opinion, by Michelle Dean. (The women were Dorothy Parker, Hannah Arendt, Mary McCarthy, Nora Ephon, Susan Sontag, Pauline Kael, Renata Adler, Joan Didion.)……..Now I'm ready for something lighter!
Our library allows placing holds only on items in the collection — no interlibrary delivery. Many of the newly-released books I want to read are ebooks but not physical books. I find it's hard to read ebooks. (I go too fast.)
Jane R, if you liked the current Ruth Hogan book, I recommend you read her previous books, THE KEEPER OF LOST THINGS and SALLY RED SHOES–all are fantastic!
I could swear I finished two books this week (low for me), but I can find only one summary. And I can't find the other one on my library holds page. Oh, well. I've been busy learning a speech for Toastmasters, going to physical therapy for some pulled muscles, and ordering (and stocking) a bigger toy box at my house for my grandchildren.
I agree with Lesa that Tracy Clark's Cass Raines books are a must-read. WHAT YOU DON't SEE s is the third, and I can't wait for more. Cass is a former police detective turned PI who lives an independent life but is fiercely committed to her friends. One of them is Ben, a detective who asks her to join him on a temporary moonlighting gig as bodyguards for Vonda Allen. Vonda is an author and the publisher of a trendy magazine who is celebrated by the media but who treats her employees like dirt. She's been receiving some death threats but doesn't want to go public by hiring a security firm. When Ben is gravely injured defending Vonda from a knife-wielding stranger at a book signing, Cass is all-in to catch the culprit and figure out why both Vonda and her employees have been targeted. I love both the character of Cass and the twisty, fascinating story.
I am close to finishing Barbara Delinsky's A WEEK AT THE SHORE, but I'll save that one for next week.
I'm excited that my first hold from my new library–El Dorado County (CA)–is ready for curbside pickup. But sad to say that their catalog doesn't hold a candle to the two libraries I've used in San Jose. I think I'll keep requesting ebooks from the latter. I also joined the Sacramento Library, which is much better, even though the closest branch is 20+ away, but they won't let me put anything on hold until the branches open. Sigh . . .
Margie, thanks for the recommendation for Ruth Hogan's other two books. I'm going to pace myself tho. They will be something to look forward to. So glad I discovered this author!
Stay safe everyone!
Today is day one without the rest of my co-workers. I'm trying not to stress about it too much, but I didn't sleep well last night at all.
Reading wise, I'm working on HEMS & HOMICIDE by Elizabeth Penney. It's moving a bit slowly for my taste, although I can see why so many people seem to really enjoy it.
Sharon, I love it when readers summarize books, and I can take them OFF my tbr pile. Thank you for the Missy Carmichael one. I appreciate it!
Sorry about the heat. Take care of yourself!
Gram, I've never been in a large Trader Joe's. I hope Jeff has as good an experience as you do. Wish we had one here. But, then, I tend to buy too many sweets and snacks when I go there, so it might be a good thing that we don't.
Jane! Yay, for Queenie Malone! I brought it home from the library this week. I'll have to move it up on the pile, based on your recommendation. Thank you.
I didn't even try for ALA, Nann. Book Expo online was enough for me. I thought ALA would be too much.
We haven't started Interlibrary Loan yet either, but we are moving items between branches for holds and loans. And, four of our branches open up on Monday. Keeping our fingers crossed!
Yes, Sharp looks like it was a little heavier reading. And, I'm ready for my yearly Kate Burkholder.
Pulled muscles from moving, Margie? Take care of yourself!
Yes, I imagine it's a little frustrating when you're used to two excellent libraries to find a smaller one with a collection that isn't as good. It doesn't sound good or hopeful there for the opening of Sacramento soon. Good luck!
I agree. Really liked The Keeper of Lost Things!
I'm sorry, Mark. Take care of yourself. It's not easy right now. And, find something you really want to read. Don't hesitate to speak up here or contact us if you just need a virtual hug or to "talk" to someone. We're here.
Things are good in the Meat Camp, NC mountains. I think Donald and I have given in and allowed our "Inner Hermits" to just take over and be the dominate self. LOL! I have really only read one book that is worth mentioning – Her Last Flight by Beatriz Williams. LOVED it!
Good morning, Miss Kaye! Hugs to you, Donald & Annabelle! I'd actually be perfectly happy to be a hermit right now. So glad you enjoyed Her Last Flight. I think it just came in for the library.
Sending love! (And, I have a long weekend coming up! Yay!)
Goodreads has told me I won a copy of THE OUTSIDER and to expect shipping delays. One hopes it truly gets here. the current issue of AHMM remains missing.
I am reading ONE DAY YOU'LL BURN by Joseph Schneider and enjoying it.
Seriously debating whether or not I want to run the risk of going to my appointment Tuesday with the cardiologist. I need to go, but being at very high risk, I am terrified of going.
Oh, good, Kevin. I'm glad you're enjoying One Day You'll Burn. A little graphic at times, but, as I said, I can skim over the graphic details.
I hope you get Outsider soon. If it doesn't show up, let me know after I finish my copy. I can't help you with AHMM.
I totally get not wanting to get out and go anyplace, especially the doctor's office. I really should get my eyes checked and new glasses. But, just when I was thinking of it in March, the world shut down. Now, I'm reluctant. But, not as serious as you having to go to the cardiologist. Take care of yourself.
I can identify with you Kevin. I need to see several doctors and even managed to schedule a day seeing the dentist, the podiatrist, the dermatologist, and the internist as well as going to the lab for blood work all in one day to limit my exposure, but with Florida's new cases topping 10,000 today, I'm scared to go! I could wait, but will thing get worse or better? I think worse.
I'm still having trouble picking up something substantial to read so continue to listen to Julie Hyzy's White House chef series. I enjoyed it a great deal the first time around and am enjoying it again. Bill's working long hours prior to the July 15th tax deadline again, so I've loads of evening time to listen.
I exceeded my Goodreads challenge this spring when I was inventorying my cat humor books. I kept picking them up and reading them as I went along!
Trader Joe's. It was something of a hassle getting downtown in the traffic, which I expected, but the store itself was even better than I had hoped. For them, it was all but empty, very quiet with just a few people walking around shopping. (We needed different cereals, peanut butter fiber bars, walmuts, some fruit, and dark chocolate graham crackers with sea salt – yum.) When I walked up to the line…there was no line! I was the first one there, they sent me to the next available cashier who told us to stand to the side while she rang us up and I paid, then since we had our own bags, she repacked everything in the cart and told us to put it in our bags outside.
So, it was very positive.
Sandie, I know it can be hard to settle in to read. To top it off, you have health issues & Bill's work. Take care of yourself! I'm sure it's a big worry to get out and go to all those places. And, I think you're right. I think it's going to get worse.
Sending hugs.
Oh, good, Jeff. Thanks for reporting back about Trader Joe's. I expected them to be organized. And, I don't think anyone here is allowing you to use your own bags – not at grocery stores in Columbus either. I wonder about Europe because they always pushed everyone to bring their own bags. We had to buy them in Ireland and Paris because we weren't prepared.
Margie–El Dorado Hills is a nice place. Too bad they cancelled the July 3 fireworks show. I used to go to it every year. It used to be fairly small, but now people come from all over. One of the things I'm really going to miss. El Dorado County is still open, as is Placer County. The Roseville area is a thriving metropolis now.
I read one physical book this week:
Rolling Thunder by AJ Devlin; Lesa, gave this a good review, but I noticed the detective seemed a lot tougher this book.
Coyote Alibi: A Navajo woman gets a job as a legal secretary in TOny Hillerman country.
Proxy: A man who lives with ghosts has to stop the usual billionaire from taking over the world. Very Welsh.
Doggone Dead; A newly retired teacher and her rich often married friend start a dog walking business and find murder and lockpicks.
Before the Ripcord Broke; Anthology of short stories about relationships. In this case, the shorter the better.
The Ghost of Normandy Lane: Very British horror story about fairy tales that come to life.
Glen, You do know I read your pithy reviews looking for the one I enjoy the most, don't you. This time, it was for Before the Ripcord Broke, and anthology of short stories. "In this case, the shorter the better." You don't disappoint. The books might, but you don't.
Thanks, Lesa! I feel like I had some real competition this week.
I definitely though of you, Glen, when Sandy said aliens have family issues, too.
I am terrified….we are now over 700 new cases. And we all just got told during a very scary news conference that the case count number is determined at 11 AM each day. Since 11 AM today, we have had over 1K in new cases confirmed in Dallas County. The Health Director's voice shook as he reported the news and tried to explain that this means we will be over 1K tomorrow and most likely, way, way over.
Hi, In NC , we just got a mandate that everyone would be required to wear masks in public. However there are no consequences if you don't. A lot of people aren't taking it seriously. We are asking people to wear them at the library I work at. If you don't have one, we will provide you one.
To the books, I am listening to the Summer House by James Patterson. In print, is The Return by Rachel Harrison. I have several more I hope to get to over this long weekend.
Happy 4th!
Katstev, I'm sorry people aren't taking the mandate seriously in North Carolina. We don't have a mandate here, but I wish we did. It's "recommended" that people wear them, and even some of the staff at the library don't. I do ask that everyone wears them in my department though, because most of my staff is at high risk. It's a sign that you care about others. It's too bad that people don't respect that.
I hope you're enjoying The Summer House. Patterson's co-author for that is Brendan DuBois, isn't it? I loved one of DuBois' standalones, The Negotiator. In fact, it was one of my favorite books of 2018.
Lesa, a good friend of mine in North Carolina is practically afraid to leave her house because of all the stupid people walking around without masks. She was a nurse and has issues (diabetes for one), and certainly does not want to risk her health.
It's so sad, Jeff, that people don't take it seriously, and don't care that other people could be affected. I don't think it's right. But, then, I'm one who does wear my mask whenever I'm in public.