Are you ready to talk about books? Let’s talk about what we’ve been reading in the last week or so.

I’m reading a novel that definitely will not be for everyone. In fact, I’m planning to have a box of tissues by me when I get to the last fifty pages or so. It’s called Photos of You by Tammy Robinson. Set in New Zealand, it’s about a twenty-eight-year-old woman whose cancer returns. She had an earlier bout, but this time, she’s told it’s terminal. While I’m only on about page eighty, I can’t say if she continues to turn down treatment. I can say, she’s decided she wants to celebrate her life, instead of not being there for her funeral. She’s always wanted a wedding, and she’s going to have one. Her family and a couple friends agree to throw a wedding for her, and then a Facebook post about it goes viral. That’s as far as I am. But, I suspect I’ll need those tissues and a cat in my lap when I get to the end of the book.

So, what are you reading this week? What’s kicking off your March books?