What are you reading this week? I’m reading a John Dickson Carr mystery published in 1931. Castle Skull: A Rhineland Mystery is one of the British Library Crime Classics. I always loved Carr’s locked-room mysteries, although I haven’t read anywhere near as many as he wrote. Castle Skull is a castle that sits over the Rhine River, with an appearance of a skull. Before I even started, I had to look up the French term juge d’instruction. “Juge d’instruction, (French: judge of inquiry) in France, magistrate responsible for conducting the investigative hearing that precedes a criminal trial. … If the juge d’instruction is not convinced that there is sufficient evidence of guilt to warrant a trial at the end of the proceedings, no trial will occur.”

Henri Bencolin is “the foremost police office in Europe”, a juge d’instruction. Along with his friend, Jeff Marle, who recounts the investigation, he’s asked by one of the richest men in the world to look in to the death of Myron Alison at Castle Skull. The English actor was shot and set on fire there. There is a second mystery that preceded Alison’s murder though. A magician, Maleger, disappeared from a train, and a body, supposedly his, was found at the bottom of a hill on the train route. Maleger’s heirs were Alison and Jerome D’Aunay, the man who hires Bencolin.

There. I haven’t even really told you anything that isn’t in Martin Edwards’ introduction to the book. I am enjoying it.

I hope you enjoyed your recent books. What are you reading this week?