It’s Thursday! Let’s talk about what you’re reading, or what you’ve read in the last week, since the last
time we “talked”.
How many of you remember the cartoon “Cathy”? I read the cartoon regularly, and identified with Cathy’s body image issues. I didn’t identify with her problems with her mother or boyfriend. However, I enjoyed seeing a young working woman in the comics.
Cathy Guisewite, creator of “Cathy” has a new book out, Fifty Things That Aren’t My Fault: Essays From the Grown-Up Years. As I read mysteries for reviews, essays seem to fill in spaces for me. Some of her pieces hit home for me. I have that large number of black pants for every occasion. Other essays don’t fit my life, but I understand. Fans of Lisa Scottoline’s essays about her family might want to try this book.
What are you reading this week? Please share!
I remember the Cathy comic strips. I don’t usually read essays but I’ll see if my library has this one. This seems to have been my week for reading nonfiction books with really long titles.
I read COWBOYS, CREATURES, AND CLASSICS THE STORY OF REPUBLIC PICTURES by Chris Ens and Howard Kazanjian. It was an interesting look back at the film studio that made Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, and John Wayne stars. I wound up passing it on to my Mom to read.
THE LADY FROM THE BLACK LAGOON. HOLLYWOOD MONSTERS AND THE LOST LEGACY OF MILICENT PATRICK by Mallory O’Meara. This is a biography of the female artist who created the sketches for The Creature from the Black Lagoon costume at a time when very few women artists worked at film studios. She was then fired by a jealous boss who wanted credit for her work. The book would have been better if the author stopped talking about her own life and how hard the book was to research.
The first in a new genealogy mystery series, MURDER ONCE REMOVED by S.C. Perkins. I enjoyed this since I’m interested in genealogy and have worked on a family tree but it might not be for everyone
A DOG CALLED JACK by Ivy Pembroke is a novel about a street in London that adopts a stray dog and the dog brings the neighbors together.
That Republic Pictures book sounds interesting. My wife was a big Cathy fan, back in the day.
Reading SHE'S LEAVING HOME by William Shaw, first in his 1968-set series about Sgt. Cathal (Paddy) Breen and Probationary PC Helen Tozer, who investigate when the naked body of a young woman is found near the Beatles' Abbey Road studios.
I wouldn't really recommend John Harvey's last Frank Elder book, BODY & SOUL, with the ex-copper turned PI brought back for one last case after a dozen years. Read the author's Charlie Resnick series instead.
I did read and very much enjoy Dave Barry's humorous LESSONS FROM LUCY, Lucy being his aging but happy dog. The final section, about the sudden serious illness of Dave's teenage daughter Sophie, is the emotional center of the book.
Just about done with the latest O. Henry short story collection, ROADS OF DESTINY.
I'm listening to The Last Mrs Parish (had a copy a LONG time ago, but never got to it).
I'm about halfway through an ARC of Two Little Girls by Frances Vick, but I put it aside to read A Witch To Remember by Heather Blake.
I also read the Cathy comic strip. The Columbus Dispatch profiled the author and recommended the book as well.
This week I finished THE LIBRARY OF LOST AND FOUND by Phaedra Patrick. It isn't so much about a library but a middle aged library volunteer. She goes on a journey of self discovery after receiving a book from her grandmother inscribed with a date 3 years after her death. I liked the layers of the story and the characters. I was rooting for Martha and was nicely rewarded at the end.
Now I am almost through THE BEANTOWN GIRLS by Jane Healey. It took me a while to get into it but because I was able to read a large chunk of it yesterday, I am enjoying it. It is about the Red Cross Clubmobile girls in WWII who went to the troupes bringing a piece of home with doughnuts, coffee, music, etc. I still am scratching my head at so many 5 star reviews on Goodreads but everybody is different in their reading tastes. I might have felt the same way if I had picked it up at a different time.
Happy Reading!
What is it about Thursdays and Blogspot? I wrote a whole response to all of you, and the stupid thing froze up on me again. don't think you're the only ones who have trouble with it sometimes!
Anyways, thank you for early morning responses! It was great to see those lists of books. Sandy, I like the sound of A Dog Called Jack. I read Murder Once Removed, and really enjoyed it.
Jeff, I looked at Dave Barry's new book when it came into the library, just checking to see if Lucy makes it. I hate those books when the dog dies at the end. That's when I saw the part about his daughter.
Lori, I'm considering a post about books set aside. I may get to it soon.
Sharon, Columbus is one city that still has a good newspaper. They do an excellent job with some of their author profiles. I know I talked about The Beantown Girls here, but I still haven't had a chance to read it. I bring it home from the library, and there's a waiting list, so I take it back. Someday.
Lesa, I wanted to stop by and say good morning.
Enjoy the upcoming weekend.
Hugs ~~~~~~~
Sharon. I have THE BEANTOWN GIRLS in my TBR pile. I’ll have to see if I can get into it.
Good morning, Charlotte! Thank you! Heading to Nashville on Sunday for a belated birthday celebration with my best friend. So, I will enjoy the weekend!
You can count me as another who enjoyed Cathy back in the day. I miss reading comic strips, although I do still have the daily calendars for Peanuts, Dilbert, Baby Blues, and Zits.
I’m currently in the middle of WITH A KISS I DIE, the second Theater Cop Mystery from J A Hennrikus. So far, I’m really enjoying it.
I think I'd like the Theater cop mysteries. I need to check those out.
I miss comic strips, too, Mark.
Catching up with Nancy Atherton's "Aunt Dimity" series. When I saw that a new one is being released (AUNT DIMITY AND THE HEART OF GOLD) I realiezed I missed the previous oee (AUNT DIMITY AND THE KING'S RANSOM). Atherton's sweetly civilized series is an anodyne to the battering of current events.
I was too young to "get" Cathy when it was in my newspaper.
I read Hero A-Go-Go by Michael Eury, an examination of camp during the 1960's. Pretty interesting. IMO, the crown jewel was an interview with Jan from Jan And Dean, about their plans for a TV Show in 1966, right before Dean's accident.
Anatomy of Evil by Will Thomas; I've fallen behind on the Cyrus Barker series. He goes up against Jack the Ripper in this one.
The Last Sweet Song of Hammer Dylan by Robert Randisi; Auggie Velez is back on the case, searching for a vanished Outlaw country singer.
Terror Rises; A prose retelling of the origin of the golden age comic book hero, The Black Terror.
Cyanetta, I agree with you. No matter what your politics, it is a battering of current events. Sometimes our books, such as Nancy Atherton's, are the best escape.
Glen, I think every fictional detective in the Victorian age has to go up against Jack the Ripper at some time.
I want to read Cathy's book. I used to have a collection of black pants too, when I was working, now that I am retired, they seemed to have vanished!
Still reading the Women's fight for the vote and finishing How High the Moon by Karyn Parsons.
When the latter is done I am going to start Chasing Cosby, The Downfall of America's Dad by Nicole Weisensee Ebam. This book is a very unusual pick for me. I have an odd reason for picking it. When I was living in Bloomington, IN, I got to see a monologue and with Vincent Price and I loved it, I had very warm feelings about him when it was over, About a month later, I saw one with Bill Cosby. I had a gut instinct when I saw him in person performing and it chilled me to the bone. I have no idea why I was creeped out. Many years later, the news came out about him. I am still wondering about the bad vibe that I picked up from hin. Maybe reading this book will resolve it. It is a strange reason for reading a book, isn't it? We'll see!
I just started A Map of the Dark by Karen Ellis. Before that it was Women Rowing North: Navigating Life’s Currents and Flourishing As We Age by Mary Pipher
This brings back memories. I was in my '30s at the time and Cathy and Dilbert were the rage. I was in the middle of career and family so my life wasn't like hers, but a lot of it still rang true. I still have the needlepoint a friend made for me showing Cathy in the middle of chaos – "My Life Overfloweth."
I am about half way through Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman. Enjoying it but a sense of dread hangs over every word. After that can't wait to get into Someone Knows by Lisa Scottoline.
I have the Cathy Guisewite book checked out but haven't started it yet. I'm currently reading Wild Card by Stuart Woods and In Another Time by Jillian Cantor. On audio, I am listening to Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger (for book club).
Carol, That's just weird about your creepy feelings when you heard Cosby's monologue. That's funny, though, that all your black pants have disappeared!
Patricia, I don't know about you, but I could identify with Women Rowing North.
Grandma Cootie, I'm glad Cathy brings back memories!
Oh, katstev! Ordinary Grace. I hope your book club has a good discussion. What a wonderful book!