“For a girl who often felt like she lived more in the cozy world of books than in the unforgiving world of the playground, a book of books was the richest journal imaginable; it showed a version of myself I recognized and felt represented me.” I’m reading Pamela Paul’s My Life with Bob: Flawed Heroine Keeps Book of Books, Plot Ensues. Bob is actually her list of books read, kept since she was a junior in high school. Okay, honesty here. How many of you keep a list of your books read? It can be Goodreads, or whatever. I’ve been keeping a list of my books read for years, first in junior high, and then later. One of my favorite possessions is the list my grandmother kept of the books she read. And, I love the sentence I quoted from Paul’s book. Because I certainly wasn’t a playground person, that sentence speaks to me.

I’m reading about Bob right now. It’s Thursday! My favorite day of the work week. I get to talk about books for an hour with other librarians and readers. Our conversation is on Twitter at #AskaLibrarian. It’s for one hour at noon Eastern time. And, usually on Thursday, I get to talk about books with you. What are you reading or listening to this week? Is it a book that speaks to you? Is it something for fun? It’s Thursday, and some of us would like to know what you’re reading.