It’s Thursday! I love Thursdays. I get to talk books on Twitter for an hour, and I get to find out what all of you are reading.
I’m reading Anne Fadiman’s memoir, The Wine Lover’s Daughter. She’s the author of a couple other books I enjoyed, including Ex Libris. She also the daughter of Clifton Fadiman, a renowned intellectual who was a literary critic, editor, radio host. His greatest passion was wine, though. I met Clifton Fadiman about twenty years ago when I was the branch librarian on Captiva Island. He and his son, Kim, came into the library when he donated a number of books. Some of you might remember the Book-of-the-Month Club. He helped establish it, and served on its board for more than fifty years. I’ve just started the book. I like her writing, and I remember her father, so I thought it might be interesting.
What are you reading today? I can’t wait to find out.
Pretty cool about meeting Fadiman. I was a member of the BOok of the Month Club back in the 1970s. Also the Mystery Guild. And I read Anne Fadiman's EX LIBRIS, which I enjoyed.
Reading today? Well, I'm trying to get the two library books I've downloaded read before they have to go back. I've mentioned Peter Turner's memoir of his relationship with Gloria Grahame, FILM STARS DON'T DIE IN LIVERPOOL, but mostly I'm reading the entertaining science fiction YA by Melissa Landers, STARFLIGHT, which I'm enjoying quite a bit. I can see a "I hate you until we admit we have feelings for each other" plot twist coming.
Also on the Kindle is the Richard Christian Matheson collection, DYSTOPIA, more than halfway done now that I finished the wonderful Ed Hoch collection, ALL BUT IMPOSSIBLE.
The only one of my "regular" library books that I've started is the new Dr. Siri book by Colin Cotterill book, THE RAT CATCHERS' OLYMPICS, taking the 75 year old retired coroner and his entourage to Moscow in 1980.
I finished Yarned and Dangerous by Sadie Hartwell. How could you not enjoy a cozy mystery set in the Miss Marple Knits shop?
Now I am reading The Secret Wife by Gill Paul. I should be finished with it as it is very good but I've been wrapped up in The Baseball watching my Cleveland Indians win an historic 21 in a row on tv 🙂
Happy Friday Eve (as our newscasters now call Thursday) to you!
What I'm reading is kind of a secret. It's an unpublished Harry Whittington manuscript, not a crime novel but a mainstream book about doctors and hospitals and such. I'll eventually be writing about it on my blog.
Cool. Will it be published, Bill?
And congratulations, Sharon. Now that the Red Sox, White Sox, Giants, and yes, even the Cubs have finally won a World Series, it must be the Indians' turn this year, right?
I'm with Jeff. It is their turn, Sharon. Go Tribe! Yes, it's the Indians turn. I still remember their heartbreaking loss when they played the Florida Marlins. My husband cheered for the Indians. I would have, being from northern Ohio, but Jim Leyland was the manager of the Marlins, and he's a relative. So, I cheered for them.
I know how those secrets go, Bill. Thanks for the hint.
Thanks! It is a pretty exciting time to be a Cleveland fan.
I read The Midnight House, an espionage thriller by Alex Berenson. He's no Vince Flynn, is all I can say.
The Cosmic Wisdom of Joe Bob Briggs. Joe Bob used to be pretty popular, but seems to have faded away. Probably had too much common sense for modern times.
Clans and Crown, the second book in The Janissaries series by Jerry Pournelle. Quite a coincidence to get the first two novels in the series right at the time Pournelle died.
Mr. Shivers, by Robert Jackson Bennett, a pretentious horror novel set during the depression, a setting that seems to bring out pretension in authors for some reason.
Currently reading Oath of Honor by Matthew Betley, second book in the Logan West series. Pretty good spy thriller.
A few minutes ago I finished reading Since We Fell by Dennis Lehance. I personally didn't care for the book. Didn't like the ending. Just glad I can moved on to something else to read. This was a borrowed ebook, glad I didn't pay money for it.
I have downloaded two ebooks from Overdrive with only 14 days to read them both. I must decide which one to start.
1. Spirit of Steamboat by Craig Johnson
2. Death Collection 4 and 5 by J D Robb
We were blessed we lost power for only twenty two hours. We are a total electric house. When power goes, it all goes water included.
We do have a range in the basement that runs on propane. That was helpful. So sorry for anyone who still doesn't have power. We lost one tree. So thankful it fell behind the extra garage out back into the woods and not on the garage. Other than that all my family survived Irma in GA.
Trust everyone else has made it through the storms.
Enjoy your reading time this week.
Charlotte, my wife is reading the new J.D. Robb and really enjoying it so far.
Jeff, you wrote a few weeks back that she liked J D Robb and I think you wrote she had all of her books. I am reading them in order. Glad to read she likes the new one. Gives me something to look forward as I am reading the ones she has already read. It is always fun to find out who likes the same authors and which books they like also.
Thanks for sharing with me.
Glen! Thank heavens for Oath of Honor because it sounds as if some of your other books were disappointing.
Charlotte, I'm so glad all of your family came through Irma okay. After 18 years in Florida, I have a lot of friends on the Gulf Coast. I was worried about them as I watched all of the coverage. But, everyone made it, with, as you said, some trees down. If you're reading J.D. Robb in order, I'd read that one next. I loved Spirit of Steamboat, and it's short, but you can pick that one up again. Enjoy!
Lesa, glad all your friends made it. It was horrible watching what all these people were going through.
I had already started reading Spirit of Steamboat when your comment came in on your blog. Since it is short that might be just what I need after the book I just finished today. I get to J D Robb next.
I hope you like Spirit of Steamboat. You'll have to let me know!
I got Steamboat from the library and discovered it's a reread, but it was good enough to read again as was The Highwayman which I just finished. I also finished Secrets in Death and enjoyed it…it is a bit >calmer> than a few others. Deja Vu by Fern Michaels has gone back to the library as well. I'm still working on Afterlife by Marcus Sakey and The Blood Card by Elly Griffiths.
I finished The Dark Side of the Road by Simon R. Green and also liked it…a bit weird but enjoyable enough so I put his next one in the series on my list.
My CD player broke after 27 years so I had to wait to get a new one to continue listening to Hillbilly Elegy by J. D. Vance. Not liking most of it. I think he is over generalizing but I do like the part about his being in Marine training. Also started Peter Robinson's Sleeping In The Ground.