Well, what are you reading this week? Something new? Catching up on something old? A little of
both? We’d all like to know.

I’m catching up on a favorite series. I hadn’t read Krista Davis’ 2018 Domestic Diva mystery, The Diva Cooks Up a Storm, and the 2019 one is out. I don’t care about household hints, but I like Sophie Winston, the amateur sleuth. And, I love the setting of Old Town Alexandria because I spent a little time there when I was in grad school. In this one, a lawyer friend of Sophie’s sours a pop-up dinner party when he brings his new trophy wife to the party. By the next day he’s the one who is struggling to live.

This is a fun cozy mystery series. How about you? What are you reading this week? Mystery, fiction, nonfiction? We’re curious!