It’s a day early for “What Are You Reading?”, but people are more likely to stop in today than tomorrow. And, I’ll direct people to today’s post if they do come looking for it on Thanksgiving.
I’m really between right now. I just finished two books for review, but they’re January releases, and I’ll review them here at that time. I actually have a book I need to find, one that I want to read by the end of the month. So, I really don’t have a book to talk about today.
What about you? Are you reading something, or did you just finish a book? What are you reading or listening to right now? We’d love to know.
I win!
I had a bet with myself that we'd see What Are You Reading?" today.
I read – and really enjoyed – the two related Darryl Ponicsan books, THE LAST DETAIL and LAST FLAG FLYING, which features the same characters 34 years later. Also read the Steven Havill "prequel to the prequel" Posadas County mystery, EASY ERRORS. I liked it, but not as much as the later books in the series.
I'm about to finish the collection of stories by Anthony Gilbert, SEQUEL TO MURDER, which I've enjoyed much more than I'd expected to (and don't ask me why I anticipated that). I have a Richard Matheson collection up next.
Current library download is the WWII alternate history novel by C. J. Sansom, DOMINION, which is set in 1952, in a world where Churchill did not become Prime Minister in 1940, and the British made peace with Germany. I've read 20% so far and I'm enjoying it, but my problem is, the book is 600 pages long. The two Ponicsan books mentioned above were 200 pages each. So far it is keeping me reading, but others await, so we'll see if I lose interest.
I have also started the much faster moving THE MIDNIGHT LINE, the latest Reacher book by Lee Child, and a very interesting start it was.
One last thing in favor of ebooks: Jackie's thumb has been bothering her a lot (she might need minor surgery), so she is having a hard time holding books, particularly mass market paperbacks. Soe she has been going through her list and having me download ebooks from the library to her Kindle, which is much easier to read.
Happy Thanksgiving to all! It has always been my favorite holiday, and not just because it is my birthday (Friday this year). I could eat turkey and stuffing every week.
Happy Thanksgiving (Eve) to my American friends.
Lesa, you know I am immobile for the rest of the year so I am definitely reading up a storm, and re-entering the social media sphere again.
I just finished the eARC of the newest WISE Enquiries Agency mystery by Cathy Ace called THE CASE OF THE UNSUITABLE SUITOR. It was a really good cozy mystery set in Wales and Ireland. I have been meaning to start reading this series since meeting Cathy earlier this year (she is the Crime Writers of Canada Chair).
And I am starting another eARC by Brian Klingborg called KILL DEVIL FALLS. US Marshal Helen Morrissey is collecting a female, fugitive robbery suspect in the Sierra Neveda region when things go wrong and they end up trapped in a dying mining town (title of book). Pretty thrilling read, so far.
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Happy Thanksgiving and happy early birthday to Jeffery.
I finally broke my string of partially read books because I couldn’t find a book that kept my interest. I read two books that I really enjoyed; EASY ERRORS by Steven Havill and DEATH IN THE STACKS by Jenn McKinlay. I like how she brought all of the main characters from her 2 other mystery series into this one.
I just started another cozy mystery POTIONS AND PASTERIES by Bailey Cates.
You win, Jeff! That's funny, that you predicted What Are You Reading would be today. Tell Jackie I'm sorry about her thumb, but I'm glad the library has ebooks for her to read on her Kindle!
Most of all, Happy Birthday, Jeff. And, I agree. I love turkey and dressing.
I finished Dead Souls by Angela Marsons.
I am reading Murder on the Great Lake by Sandi Scott. This is the second book in this new series. It is a Cozy Mystery.
Trust everyone will have a blessed Thanksgiving.🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃
Be safe if you are traveling.🚙🚗🚙🚗
Maybe there will be a little time for reading till next Thursday..
Grace, That's just terrible that you're down for the rest of the year. I'm so sorry. So, because of that, and because you and Jeff & Charlotte & Margie and some of the regulars post every week, I was wondering if you and several others might want to do a favorites of the year post for my blog for the end of December. Think about it, and I'll bring it up next Thursday.
Oh, Sandy! I'm 2 books behind with Jenn's series, but that sounds like fun. I need to catch up. I'm so glad you found a couple books to enjoy.
Jeff, I am with you. I figured we would do What are you Reading today because of Thanksgiving. Which is fine with me.
🎂 Have a Happy Birthday.
My mother 's birthday was at Thanksgiving also.
Lesa, what are you doing for Thanksgiving?
Lesa, yes, unfortunately, the leg cast will stay on until the end of December or early January and then it's rehab time.
I would be happy to participate and submit my favourite reads of the year. I am up to 170 mysteries read for 2017, and will probably top 200 this year since I am stuck at home.
Grace, I am impressed with the number of books you have read so far this year.
I thought I was doing great because I read 68 last year and wanted to go over that. I have read 75 so far. That beats last year. Not anywhere near the amount you have read. Hats off to you.
Lesa, it would be fun to find out how many books everyone read for 2017 at the end of the year. Just a thought.
Sorry about your leg. Trust you will be up sooner than what you are thinking.
Charlotte, I would also be curious to see book totals this year from the other regulars.
I only read 140 mysteries in 2016 which was a big shock to me since I thought I would read more books in my first year of retirement. But I was enjoying lots of outdoor activities and this affected my reading time.
In 2017, I have had 3 leg injuries so I am cooped up more and can generally read 1-2 books a day (if I focus).
Sandy: Like Lesa, I am a few books behind in Jenn's Library Lover series but heard about DEATH IN THE STACKS bringing characters from all 3 series together, so it is on my list.
I just love you all! Great suggestions. We'll do a year-end wrap-up as to how many books you've read. Of course, that means we'll have to do it at the beginning of January so we all have totals. And, I'll ask again about writing a column about your favorites of the year.
Charlotte, I'm going to my friend, Donna's, for Thanksgiving. Her husband, Terry, is a wonderful cook. While she & I are working today, Terry is starting preparations. Her mother, and possibly her daughter & son-in-law will be there as well. I have a standing invitation to my sister's house, but this year, I'm staying home. My cats are still going through adjustments after the death of the oldest one. I had to have him put to sleep a couple weeks ago. They're all needy right now, if you can imagine cats as needing attention.
I am reading Murder in an English Village by Jessica Elliott. I think I am enjoying it more than you did Lesa. I read The Deal of a Lifetime a novella by Fredrik Backman. I thought it was good but at 65 pages with pictures I would recommend reading a library copy rather than purchasing it.
Happy Birthday to Jeff and Happy Thanksgiving to all.
My family is driving in from the Chicago area as I type. I have a feeling my just turned 12 year old grandson will be nearly as tall as me when I see him 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving, Sharon. I think I should have wished all of you that in the beginning because no one will have the time to stop in tomorrow. That's okay. The post will be there when you are all overstuffed, and have time again. I enjoyed Murder in an English Village, Sharon. I really liked the American character – brash and outgoing. I'll read the next one. Enjoy the time with your family!
I'm almost finished with The Seven Rules of Elvira Carr by Frances Maynard. It's about a young woman with autism (though it's never mentioned by name) who learns to cope when her mother dies and learns some bitter truths about her family which lead to a whole new world for her. Very charming and engrossing.
I've seen that book, Margie, but haven't taken the time to read it. So good to know it's charming & engrossing. Hugs to you and your family this Thanksgiving.
I finished Hit List by Lawrence Block. I thought it was too similar to his Bernie Rhodenbarr series.
TriPlanetary, the first book in the Lensman series by E.E. "Doc" Smith.
Anvil Gate, an entry in the Gears of War series, based on the video game. Has there ever been a series based on video games that were any good?
Crossing Savage by Dave Edlund, the newest book in the Peter Savage series. This story features a conspiracy that makes absolutely no sense.
Just finished The Blessing Way by Tony Hillerman, all about Navajo witchcraft.
Going to start Another Man's Moccasins by Craig Johnson.
Glen, Do you watch Longmire on Netflix?
I just finished the second show of ten in this last season of Longmire. I have enjoyed all five seasons and I will miss not seeing anymore.
Lesa, got me into reading of of the Craig Johnson books. Enjoyed them. Will read more later.
We just watched the first episode of the last series of Longmire. I just wanted to smack that stupid woman who left Henry without even giving him water.
I'm up to date on the books.
I wish I could get back to the years of reading 200 books like Grace. I have found it very difficult to concentrate on reading this year. At least I always have the short stories. I should be somewhere close to 800 on those.
I used to watch them on A&E, but I don't get Netflix. I've read the first book in the series, and I remember liking it.
I totally agree with you about Marilyn during episode 1 of Longmire Season Six (no spoilers)! I want to make the other 9 episodes last so will not binge-watch.
Jeff, I couldn’t believe that woman left Longmire and Henry after Longmire gave her money. I am trying not to binge on these shows. Stretch them out since this is the last season. Wish someone would pick them for more shows.
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Looks like several of us are Longmire fans…and some thanks to Lesa.
Lesa also recommended Craig Johnson's BOOKS (big typo above deleted) to me when we met in person for the first time at Left Coast Crime 2011 in Santa Fe where Craig was Guest of Honour. I got hooked.
But geez, like you said Jeffrey and Charlotte, I couldn't believe Marilyn did not help Henry or Walt/Henry more during episode 1!
I read the books, but haven't watched the series on Netflix. I did get my sister & her husband, and a friend, hooked on the series, though, and they watch it on Netflix.
This has been a great day for a large amount of comments.
Enjoying all of them.
Me, too, Charlotte. I'm so glad I did this the day before Thanksgiving, and that all of you were expecting it!
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Hope that your leg is not hurting Grace. You read a lot of books. I have finished 114 so far this year.
I am listening to A Painted House by John Grisham. I am really enjoying that. My boom box broke down, so far it can't play audio CDs or tape cassettes, just has the radio. My hubby talked me into buying cheap one. There are instructions but they are wrong! After an hour, I finally figured out how to play audio CDs. Then last night we spent another hour figuring out how to play the tape cassettes. That was all trial and error! So glad it is all figured out now.
Also reading an Amish story by Charlotte Hubbard, A Simple Wish. It was the second book in the series but the author spent time at the beginning bringing everyone who had not read the first one up to speed. The main character makes rugs using a modified toothbrush. My grandmother used to make rugs too but she used a totally different method.
Carol, reading 114 books this year is great!
The only reason I am over 170 books in 2017 is due to 3 leg injuries which have kept me indoors more than I would like. I am off the pain meds, so that is a good sign but it still hurts when I sleep.
I am listening to The People vs Alex Cross by James Patterson. Currently reading Count to Ten (also by Patterson) & 13 minutes by Sarah Pinborough (brought this one to my mom's house with me).
I finally finished reading “The Sixth Victim” by Tessa Harris. Just started the “Conclave” by Richard Harris – I wonder if they’re related?
I’m still working on listening to “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt. I have now completed nineteen of thirty-two parts. I feel like I’m starting to develop a personal relationship with Theodore Decker who is the first-person protagonist in this novel. The reason it’s taking me so long is that as I stated in my last post, I only listen to the novel when I’m working out, driving or walking in the neighborhood. Since Prescott is a small town, my driving consists of about 15 to 20 minutes each day when I’m driving to and from work or from workouts. I’ve concluded that the Goldfinch painting is a literary device that serves mainly as the framework that the author hangs the story on. The Goldfinch is mentioned about every 60 to 70 pages. I have a feeling that the painting will assume a larger role in the story as we get down to the finish line.