First, how are you doing? That’s the most important question. Right now, What Are You Reading? isn’t quite as important, but, if you’re able to read, I’m always interested.

I just finished a June release for Library Journal, so you won’t see that review until mid-June. But, I think I’m now going to start Mariah Fredericks’ historical mystery, Death of an American Beauty. Lady’s maid Jane Prescott has a week’s vacation in the latest book set in Gilded Age New York. She has plans to attend the hottest and most scandalous show in town, an art exhibition showcasing the cubists. But, her employer is starring in a play celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation speech, and the women need help with their costumes. Jane’s torn between enjoying her holiday, and helping the women. But, neither of those become her priority when a woman is found murdered outside Jane’s childhood home, a refuge for women run by her uncle.

At least I plan to read that. You never know what I’ll actually pick up. What are you reading this week?