It’s Thursday! Time to talk books (although I’m always willing to talk books). What are you reading today?
By the time this posts on Thursday, I’ll have read about fifty pages in Dean James’ tenth Cat in the Stacks Mystery series. Six Cats A Slayin’ is set in the Christmas season, as you can tell by the title. And, it has one of the best cat covers I’ve seen. David Rosenfelt has the best dog covers, in my opinion. As I write this, I don’t have much to say except librarian Charlie Harris and his Maine Coon cat, Diesel, take in five kittens who were left on the porch. Other than that, I know there are problems with Charlie’s new neighbor. Since I don’t like reading the book flaps because they give away too much of the mystery, that’s all I know at the moment.
What are you reading this week? We’re interested. And, for those of you who prefer dogs over cats, I’ve also posted the cover of Rosenfelt’s new book, Deck the Hounds.

What am I reading? Mostly short stories. I read Catherine Aird's LAST WRITES and Deborah Eisenberg's first collection (straight fiction), TRANSACTIONS IN A FOREIGN CURRENCY, and I'm reading Lord Dunsany's FIFTY-ONE TALES. October will be either the best or second best month of the year for short stories read.
I also raced through THE FATED SKY, the second half (although they are not published as two parts, you do need to read THE CALCULATING STARS first) of Mary Robinette Kowal's Lady Astronaut of Mars series. Happily, she has signed a big contract to do more of them.
Currently reading Book Five in Jodi Taylor's Chronicles of St. Mary's series, NO TIME LIKE THE PAST, which I am surely going to like a lot more than the overly dark fourth book.
I haven't seen him in years, but I knew Dean James back before he had his first book published. Love the Rosenfelt cover.
I finished Jessica Ellicott's MURDER FLIES THE COOP last night. I find Edwina and Beryl a delight. This one was not my favorite because I could not get enthused about the pigeon racing storyline. But I really liked Edwina's character development. Girl got some spunk!
I have the Anne Lamott and Kate Morton on my pile to read. Not sure which I will choose next. A little concerned about investing time in THE CLOCKMAKER'S DAUGHTER due to the inconsistent reviews I've read.
Happy Reading!
I finished:
Monkeewrench ( book 1) by P.J. Tracy I really enjoyed this book. The kind you just wish you didn’t have to ut it down till the end.
Decaffeinated Scandal ( book 5 ) by Tonya Kappes will have to wait and see if there is a book 6. Enjoyed this series. Fast read.
Now reading:
Live Bait ( book 2 ) by P.J. Tracy Like book 1 better. Maybe it will pick up.
A Charming Crime (book 1 ) by Tonya Kappes I like the above series a lot better than this book.
I always look forward to Thursday and find out what everyone is reading. Learn about new authors and books as if our wonderful host Lesa doesn’t give us enough each week. ☺️☺️
Can you ever have enough books?
Jeff, I've enjoyed Rosenfelt's recent covers. Someone at his publisher found the right cover artist. I've never met Dean James. Maybe someday. And, I want to read both of those series that you're reading – Kowal's and The Chronicles of St. Mary's. I own all of that second series, but haven't gotten back to them.
Sharon, Go with the Anne Lamott. I talked with my mom last night about the Kate Morton. She's a big Morton fan, but finally gave up on The Clockmaker's Daughter and took it back to the library. I'm not saying don't read. Don't hold your breath.
Charlotte, I know. The Monkeewrench series is a little inconsistent. Some are terrific; others, not so much. If I'd read the second one first, I probably wouldn't have continued. I don't remember much about the third book, but the fourth? Snow Blind? Fantastic! I hope you keep going.
It's good to know I'm not the only one who is having trouble with THE CLOCKMAKER'S DAUGHTER. I usually love Kate Morton's books, and there's no doubt that her prose is beautiful, but I've spent most of the week slogging through this one (I'm almost finished, thankfully). There are parts of it that I really like, and some characters I am rooting for, and I generally don't mind novels that jump around in time. But this one has too many characters and too much time-hopping, and sometimes you don't even know who is the subject of a new chapter until you've read a bit of it. Very disappointing.
I've heard that Jodi Picoult's new book is told backwards (!) so I think I'll have to read one or two other books that are less challenging before that one, as my reading mind is fried right now.
Margie, Sharon and Lesa, I love Kate Morton also. I had started a sample of her latest book and found I wasn’t enjoying it at all. I stopped and decided I would wait and find out what others were writing about it. So far the reports do not sound favorable. I have a few of her books I need to read anyway. I might not read this new one and wait till she has another new book.
Lesa, when you read a outstanding book and you go to the next one and it leaves you flat. I just push on hoping that the next one will do for me what the first one did.
Recently finished David Handlers new Stuart Hoag book The Man Who Couldn't Miss, what a great series so happy he has revived it. Have not read all of them but Stuart, Merrilee and Lulu are such great characters. Humorous and very entertaining. Had read earlier ones years ago.
Just finished Bluebird, Bluebird by Attica Locke – am sure you reviewed it at some point Lesa but it is just so wonderful. A tough read but so well written and the slow dripping out of the facts makes it a book that is hard to put down. The way it ended it could be a stand alone or she could come back with the main character Darren Matthews again. I think it is the best book I have read this year.
Just started Ed Lin's first book – Ghost Month set in Taipei – am only about 25 pages into it but it so far it is very intriguing.
Just started Lisa Unger's latest "Under My Skin" – she is one of my favorites so hope I won't be disappointed. Sorry to hear about Kate Morton's new one as I just put in a reserve for it.
Not the only one, Margie. And, I don't blame you for not wanting to do two tough books in a row.
Good, Charlotte. Because some of the other ones in the series are terrific.
Actually, Netteanne, I haven't read Bluebird, Bluebird. It's on my someday list, and I even had it home a couple times. I do want to read it, but just haven't made it a priority. Love that it's the best book you've read this year.
You might be one of those people who love Morton's new book, Donna. You never know!
First of all, the 2nd Monkeewrench book is not the best, in my opinion. I did like #3 and #4 better.
And I'm listening to Kate Morton's The Clockmaker's Daughter right now and I'm really enjoying it. It's a long audio, but it is really suiting me very well. Isn't it funny how a book won't speak to one person, but will to another? I had read about the large amount of characters and the back-and-forth timeline as well. Somehow, it has worked in my head. In fact, I'll be recommending it. I do understand that not everyone likes the same thing though. And sometimes it's just not the right time. Happily, we all have lots and lots to choose from – right?
Yes! You've said it perfectly, Kay. I'm glad you're enjoying the Morton.
And, I'm happy you liked #3 & 4 better in the Monkeewrench series.
I'm always up for a Christmas mystery.
This week I read:
Vanished by Alton Gansky, a Christian sci fi conspiracy novel.
Under The Black Flag by David Cordingley, a popular history about pirates. The author makes a big point about how pirates weren't as good looking as Errol Flynn. I got news for this uy, most movie stars aren't as good looking as Errol Flynn.
Aberystwyth Mon Amour; combo of PI cliches and magic.
Police Pulp; Collection of police procedurals.
Crimson Shore by Preston and Child; Agent Pendergast goes to Peyton Place and finds Lovecraftian menace.
Judah's Sceptre and the Sacred Stone by DA Brittain; Historical romance about how a Hebrew sacred stone made its way to Ireland. It reminded me of the movie Hobson's Choice, where they made a whole movie about an historical event nobody really cared about.
I completely forgot to come by here earlier today.
I've recently finished (and loved) Killed on Blueberry Hill by Sharon Farrow. Now, I'm about a third of the way into City of Secrets by Victoria Thompson.
And I read Six Cats a Slayin' a couple of weeks ago. I loved it!
I finished THE CLOCKMAKER'S DAUGHTER (Morton) and I agree with what others have written. I liked what Margie said that she was "thankfully" almost finished. That's exactly how I felt when I finished it – thank goodness, that's done! Now I'm reading my 21st Peter Lovsey (BEAU DEATH) and loving it – no disappointment on this one.
I am amazed the some of you read two and three books a week. It usually takes me 2-3 weeks for one book. But I'm still working and just read before bed.
Right now I'm reading The Gate Keeper by Charles Todd. This one is and Ian Rutledge mystery. Ian is still haunted by the WWI ghost of Hamish MacLeod. Once again the setting is a little village in rural England, right after WWI.
I like Christmas mysteries, too, Glen. I need to do a post soon about the new Christmas books in my TBR pile, or at least at home.
I like the sound of some of your collections. And, as usual, I love your comments.
Thanks for stopping by, Mark! I finished Six Cats a Slayin' last night. Reviewing it on Saturday.
So much better to move on to something you can enjoy, isn't it, Sally?
I like Charles Todd's Ian Rutledge books, Jim. I'm not really interested in the other series.
I'm reading in print I Know You Know by Gilly MacMillan and Death of a Neighborhood Scrooge by Laura Levine. In audio form, I am listening to Sadie by Courtney Summers
Why is Gilly MacMillan's name so familiar, Katstev?