It’s Thursday, and it’s time to talk about what we’re reading (or trying to read) this week, whethermwe’re working from home, going into a workplace, or working at home as you always do. Even if you’re retired, I know you’re working everyday at home.
So, what are you reading? I gave up on my book from earlier this week, and I’m reading David Rosenfelt’s The K Team. It’s the first in a new series, a spin-off from his Andy Carpenter books. The narrator is Corey Douglas, a retired cop who brings his K-9 partner, Simon Garfunkel, with him to his new career. He’s teamed up with Carpenter’s wife who is a former cop, Laurie Collins, and her investigating partner, Marcus. The quartet will investigate cases, some for Andy Carpenter, and others that are brought to them. Their first case involves a judge who is a victim of blackmail and extortion. He hires the K Team.
My book looks like it’s going to be a good one. What about the ones you’re reading? What are you reading this week?
And, for now, while most of us are housebound, I’m going to talk about Distractions on Monday. That was a fun post, and a lot of us wanted to talk about what we’re doing to stay sane in isolation. I hope you join us on Mondays!
Morning Lesa, from a cloudy Scotland.
This morning I finished Rebecca Shaw's The Village Newcomers and have been sailing through Mabel Esther Allen's Black Forest Summer, which transports me to post-war Freiburg, and the home of an affluent German family who are hosting their 'poor' (as in middle class poor, that is!) London cousins. whose widowed mother has just died. It's a sweet, comforting story and Allen writes such good descriptive prose that she makes me want to visit the area (whereas I usually find myself getting bored and skipping descriptions.)
Not sure what my next one will be – possibly Jennifer Ryan's The Chilbury Ladies' Choir – has anyone read that?
So glad you are enjoying your new book Lesa – we can't have you going off reading! But these are distracting times for us all. Take care.
Good morning, Rosemary! It's going to be a sunny, warm day here in southwestern Indiana. Two of the cats are already in their "waiting for sunshine" spots on the floor. I love to see them sprawled out in puddles of sunshine.
I had a copy of The Chilbury Ladies' Choir home at one time, but people were waiting for it at the library, and I just never brought it back. You'll have to let us know what you think.
Hugs! I hope you and your family stay safe.
Rosemary I read THE CHILBURY LADIES' CHOIR and remember liking it very much. I was disappointed in her second book, THE SPIES OF SCHILLING LANE.
This week I finished LOST AT SEA by Erica Boyce. Local fisherman John Staybrook vanishes at sea after a trip out on a tuna boat. While the story is about loss, it is also a story about addiction, adoption, and life in an extremely small community. It was not the story I expected after reading the synopsis on the inside cover. While the subject matter was not happy I did not find it depressing and I came to care about the characters. I was especially pleased with the ending. I really loved this.
Now I am reading DON'T OVERTHINK IT by Anne Bogel. I am picking up some helpful ways to consider things differently.
Stay Healthy and Happy Reading!
I commented earlier and it never appeared. But the spammer? No problem, apparently.
I have THE K TEAM on hold at the library. I guess I’ll get it someday. I haven’t had much time to read this week because they sent my mom home from rehab a week early because they were worried about the virus.
I’m currently reading a short cozy mystery, CUPIDS CURSE by Kathi Daley.
I'm hoping to finish up THE FUTURE KING by James Riley today. I've enjoyed his other middle grade fantasy series, but I'm just not connecting with this one.
Of course, that depends on my work schedule. Hopefully, I will have the time to finish up. I'm working from home, and life is about to get very, very busy.
Maybe I'll try Anne Bogel's Don't Overthink It, Sharon. That sounds like something I could concentrate on right now.
That's just weird, Jeff, because I don't have the spam filter on for Thursday. Not weird that the spammer got through. Weird that your post did not. I'm sorry.
Oh, Sandy, Good luck to your entire household. I'm sure it's not easy having your mother home early, but at least you can see her now. Take care of yourselves.
Good luck with reading & work, Mark!
Of all the times for my kindle to malfunction!
I read:
Kill me if you Can by Nicole Young; A woman goes to Michigan's upper peninsula and finds family secrets.
The Deep End by Traci Hunter Abramson; An Inspirational romance thriller about the WitSec program.
A Capitol Offense by Gary Parker; An Inspirational mystery about a modern day gambling syndicate taking over a town.
Murder On The Mount by Sandy Dengler; an Inspirational mystery where a ranger and his dog traipse around Washington state to solve a murder.
I read an ARC of a book that I'll be recommending to everyone! Charlie Lovett's "Escaping Dreamland." Overview
Robert Parrish’s childhood obsession with series books like the Hardy Boys and Tom Swift inspired him to become an author. Just as his debut novel becomes a best-seller, his relationship with his girlfriend, Rebecca, begins to fall apart. Robert realizes he must confront his secret demons by fulfilling a youthful promise to solve a mystery surrounding his favorite series—the Tremendous Trio.
Guided by twelve tattered books and an unidentified but tantalizing fragment of a story, Robert journeys into the history of the books that changed his life, hoping they can help him once again. His odyssey takes him to 1906 Manhattan, a time of steamboats, boot blacks, and Fifth Avenue mansions, but every discovery he makes only leads to more questions.
Robert’s quest intertwines with the stories of three young people trying to define their places in the world at the dawn of a new and exciting century. Magda, Gene, and Tom not only write the children’s books that Robert will one day love, together they explore the vibrant city on their doorstep, from the Polo Grounds to Coney Island’s Dreamland, drawing the reader into the Gilded Age as their own friendships deepen.
The connections between the authors, their creations, and Robert’s redemptive journey make for a beautifully crafted novel that is an ode to the children’s series books of our past, to New York City, and above all, to the power of love and friendship.
loved it!
You're right, Glen. What a terrible time for your kindle to malfunction. Now, you only had inspirational mysteries to read. I hope things work out soon.
Definitely on my Want to Read list, Kaye. The NYC part won me as much as the childhood series did.
I’ll repeat what I just said in last weeks post, as it seems appropriate.
I usually have more than one book going at a time, unless possibly a novel and a short story anthology/collection. But now I have FOUR going, and it’s slow progress on each. THE CASE OF CABIN 13 by Sam McCarver, THREE WORLDS TO CONQUER by Poul Anderson, a huge collection of The Thinking Machine stories by Jacques Futrelle, and I’m just starting TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT by Ernest Hemingway. Oh, and when nothing else I’m rereading a few old graphic novels in the FABLES series.
I'm back. (Bad stomach today, sorry.)
Jackie is really enjoying NINE RULES TO BREAK WHEN ROMANCING A RAKE, the first Sarah MacLean book. She is getting a real kick out of it.
Unfortunately for me, what with the internet providing news 24/7 and newspaper esubs, I seem to spend too much time on the news and not enough on reading. And, unfortunately, the new Peter Robinson book, MANY RIVERS TO CROSS, does not exactly lighten the mood, what with a dead young boy and possible human trafficking. Oh, well.
I am enjoying the Arthur Train short story collection, especially those stories about the shrewd old lawyer Ephraim Tutt. A handful of these 100 year old stories have unfortunate racist bits, but most are just light and fun.
I think it's taking all of us some time to get through books right now, Rick. Hang in there.
Sorry to hear that, Jeff. Take care of yourself.
Oh, good! I'm happy to hear Jackie's enjoying that book. I actually laughed out loud when reading some in that series. They are funny.
And, I'm with you. Way to much time spent on the news and internet. I finally quit when I start to get depressed. One of the authors took a poll today as to whether people were reading more or less. The majority said less.
Sorry for the delay in posting today–had several things going on this morning, including "early hours" at Safeway for seniors before they let the wider public in (spent a lot of money, so that should last me a long time!).
I'm a sucker for a drama set in a school, and Kathleen West's debut novel, MINOR DRAMAS & OTHER CATASTROPHES, was just the ticket to distract me from my "lockdown." With short chapters focusing on alternating characters, it is a quick and delightful read. Isobel is a dedicated and beloved English teacher at a high school in an affluent area who feels it is her responsibility to make her students think outside of their privileged lives while reading literary classics. Julia is a helicopter parent devoted to her children to the point where she convinces her husband to donate money toward the school's drama program's costume shop so her son will be chosen for a speaking part in the yearly musical. Things get messy when parents complaining about Isobel's "liberal" teachings force an investigation and when Julia inadvertently clocks a student when pushing to see the cast list for the musical, which results in a viral video that jeopardizes her status as a drama committee member. And there's a secret Facebook gossip group where parents trash teachers and no one knows who the host is–a student, parent, teacher? Best of all, no one is portrayed in black and white–there are reasons why people behave the way they do. I loved it and would highly recommend it.
I'm pretty sure I read Tina Turner's first autobiography years ago. MY LOVE STORY does talk a bit about her years with Ike Turner, but there is more emphasis on the succeeding years, when Tina created an amazing solo career. It covers the time up until the Broadway show based on her life was debuted. Also, it is a love story about Tina and Erwin Bach, who have been together, now living in Switzerland, for many years. It enjoyed this quick read.
A HIGHLANDER WALKS INTO A BAR by Laura Trentham is not my usual fare, but Lesa's review caused me to find this ebook in the library, and I'm so glad I did. It's a contemporary romance about two Scottish men (uncle and nephew)–Gareth and Alasdair. Gareth had fallen for Isabel's widowed mother when she was visiting Scotland, and Alasdair followed him to Highland, Georgia at his mother's urging to urge him to come home. Isabel and her mother plan the town's Highland Games each year, and she is frustrated when her mother's attentions shift to Gareth. And of course, Isabel and Alasdair feel a spark as well. The characters are delightfully imperfect and the plot is a lot of fun. Read Lesa's review for a lot more information.
In the latest Cat in the Stacks mystery, CARELESS WHISKERS, librarian Charlie feels he has to get involved when a visiting actor co-starring with Charlie's daughter in a local play starts having unfortunate "accidents," some of them onstage. The actor is egotistical and difficult, and there are plenty of people who might wish him harm, but Charlie is worried about his daughter potentially being suspected as the perpetrator and maybe even suffering similar accidents herself. I liked the theater environment and, of course, the usual cats–Diesel and now Ramses. If the story is a bit formulaic, it can be forgiven for the charming characters.
That's funny, Margie, because A Highlander Walks into a Bar isn't my normal reading either. And, I don't remember why I picked it up. I think maybe author Sarah MacLean recommended it on her website & I thought I'd try it.
Yes, Careless Whiskers may be a little formulaic, but I wish I had another Cat in the Stacks right now. I might be able to read that!
Take care of yourself.
Lesa, I just picked up the author's other Highlander book–both have been ebooks from the library. I'll let you know how it is.
Yes, let me know, Margie. Thanks!
Yourcolumn 🌞 a ray of sunshine to concentrate on reading. I'm reading a new author Kathryn Schleich, Salvation Station. Makes one appreciate how difficult it is to write in dialogue.
Thank you for the note saying it's a ray of sunshine. Let's hope!
Have been away from posting for a while. It has been a major task cancelling my appointments, have been on hold for 35 to 40 minutes waiting in line on the phone.I started two books but having trouble concentrating. Me and Banksy is about an eight grader in New York. She lives on a posh and has a security man take her to school.
The other one is Summr Darlings, more rich people! They live in Martha's Vineyard and hire a very poor young woman to be a nanny.
My mind keeps wandering! Only read two pages of the first book and one page of the second one only one. My mind. keeps wandering!t Don't think I could concentrate on Jeff's book. News does not quit!
Carol, I haven't had to go through what you have with all the cancellation of appointments, but I know exactly what you mean by the mind wandering. Me, too. I did finish a book today, but it took a while.
I know you're in a high risk category. I'm sure that makes for even more worry. Take care of yourself, and stay safe.