What are you reading this week? I have nothing new to report since Monday, as you can tell from my blog and my use of Sandie Herron’s reviews. Thank heavens for Sandie! I’m still reading Cursed, the anthology featuring fairy tales and folktales centered on a curse. This is one of the strongest story collections I’ve read in quite a while.

What about you? Have you read anything good, or have you been disappointed in your latest books? I hope you’ve found books to read even if your public library is still closed.

NOTE: Monday is June 1. We would normally talk about distractions, but Treasures in My Closet will run on Monday, and I have an author’s piece scheduled for Tuesday. So, I’m moving Distractions to Sunday, May 31. Please drop in on Sunday to let us know how you’re doing, and if you found distractions this week.