Let’s celebrate Thursday! It’s my Friday this week. I’m off tomorrow. I have #AskaLibrarian on Twitter at 11 AM. And, I’m going to talk books with all of you. I can’t wait to see what you’re reading.

I’m reading a funny novel. It’s already made me laugh a couple times, and I’m only on page fifty. It’s called Please Don’t Feed the Mayor by Sue Pethick. Melanie MacDonald moved back to her hometown of Fossett, Oregon, opened a coffee shop, and wants to help the town survive and thrive. After the lumber mill closed, people moved away. What would attract people to the town? Well, tourists might come, and maybe people would stay, if Melanie’s border collie, Shep, was the mayor. There are a few problems. The town has never had a mayor, and Melanie viewed Shep as an attraction. But, someone wants to run for mayor against Shep. And, Melanie’s ex-husband? She called him to ask for legal advice. Now, he’s in town, hiding from an escaped killer who threatened to kill the attorneys who put him away. (I love Shep.)

What are you reading this week? I hope you’re enjoying your book.