I can tell you what I have to read now if I want to get the chance. There is a waiting list at the library for Lisa Genova’s new book, Every Note Played. Genova’s the author of Still Alice. This is the story of a concert pianist, renowned throughout the world. Now, Richard has ALS. His right arm is paralyzed, and he knows his left arm will go next. Three years ago, he and his wife, Karina, separated. She becomes his reluctant caretaker, and, as Richard fades away, the two try to reconcile their past before it’s too late. Lisa Genova’s books are never easy, but they’re worth it.
What are you reading or listening to this week? It’s Thursday! It’s time to look back and celebrate the books of the last week.
This book was amazing! (Though I love everything that she writes). I hope you enjoy it. I just finished up No One Ever Asked by Katie Ganshert and am about to start Three Days Missing by Kimberly Belle.
I finished Where The Wild Cherries Grow by Laura Madeleine. I thought it was very good. I enjoy this author's writing. It reminds me of Marisa De los Santos' style.
Now I am a third of the way through The Lemon Tea Cake Murder by Karen Rose Smith. So far it is holding my interest until the end.
The best book I read last week was UNEASY PREY by Annette Dashofy. It’s the sixth book in her Zoe Chambers mystery series. Zoe is an EMT in rural western PA and her boyfriend is the chief of police. It’s one of my favorite non-cozy series and one of the few books where I feel like the town and people could actually exist.
I also read two enjoyable cozy mysteries. IT TAKES A COVEN by Carol J Perry and THE FAST AND THE FURRIEST by Sofie Ryan.
Lori! So good to know that you like Every Note Played. My best friend is finishing it. I'm starting it today at lunchtime. And, she said we'd have to talk about it after I finish.
Someday, Laura, I'm going to have to read one of Marisa De los Santos' books. I know Margie loves her books. That makes two of you. I appreciate Thursday when I can find out what you all are reading and enjoying.
Sandy, Another series I should at least try. Thank you. I think I mentioned before I was surprised how much I liked Sofie Ryan's series.
The Cat of the Baskervilles by Vicki Delany is another fun entry into her Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery series. Legendary but now washed-up British actor Nigel Bellingham is scheduled to play Holmes in the local version of Hound of the Baskervilles but dies before he can do so. Was it a murder, and is bookshop owner Gemma Doyle's business partner Jayne's mother involved? Pleasurable fare.
I believe Lesa brought this book to my attention: Happiness is a Choice You Make by John Leland. He spent a year getting to know six 85-and-over seniors and ended up learning some lessons for his own life. This isn't a whitewash, but it does show some advantages of being that age, as well as the obvious disadvantages.
Fade to Black, second in David Rosenfelt's Doug Brock series,is a fast-moving, fast-reading story (short chapters) about crime in NJ and Las Vegas, which includes two severed heads. It takes most of the book to determine the reason behind the crimes. Not as much humor as in Rosenfelt's Andy Carpenter books (favorites of mine and Mike's) but has just enough wryness to relieve the darkness.
Sharon, thanks for the tip about Where the Wild Cherries Grow–I'll definitely look for it. And Sandy, I've been hearing about Annette Dashofy's series so I think I'll give it a try.
First of all, I love Lisa Genova's books or the ones I've read anyway. She really has a talent for putting humanity in horrible diseases. Sad, but gripping. I also say you should try a Marisa De Los Santos book. Have really liked the couple I have read.
I'm reading the second in the Lady Sherlock books by Sherry Thomas – A Conspiracy in Belgravia (was I reading that one last week – probably – LOL) and liking it. I'm listening to The Lewis Man by Peter May. This is a reread, but I'm liking just as much this time.
I finished the following:
Murder by the Book( book 2) by Sylvia
Murder Takes a Holiday (book 3) by Sylvia Selfman
Murder over Miami ( book 4) by Sylvia Selfman
Nothing Bundt Murder ( book 1) by Leigh Selfman
Eclair Case of Murder ( book 2) by Leigh Selfman
Haunt Flashes ( book 1) by Leigh Selfman this one I didn’t enjoy.
I am now reading the following:
Murder is an Art by Bil Crider
The Annie Szabo Mystery ( book 1) by Meredith Blevins
The Woman in the Window by A J Finn ~ I checked this out from The RBDIGITAL Library ~ so glad I didn’t buy this book. I am on chapter 10 and I am not sure if I like this ebook or not. Right now I would put it up there with my book Into the Water of not caring for either one.
Has anyone read either one of the books? If yes, did you liked them?
Lesa, I thought of you when I read this. Anyone with pets will agree I am sure.
Dogs come when you call them ~ cats have voice mail.
Books are a great item to have.
I read the first 2 on your list, and liked them. Like you, I need to check out Annette Dashofy's books.
I think I missed one of Lisa Genova's books, Kay, but that's okay. She does have a gift, doesn't she? Peter May is another author I haven't gotten around to reading.
Charlotte, I'm sure someone here must have read the Finn. I haven't. It's not my type.
Oh, yes. I do have one cat who comes when called, but he's the only one I've ever had that does. It's Jinx.
Charlotte, I've read the Finn book. I have not read INTO THE WATER, but I did read Lapena's previous book THE COUPLE NEXT DOOR. I liked THE WOMAN IN THE WINDOW, but I do tend to like this type of book. I will say that I do find a protagonist with such a self-destructive streak tiresome and annoying. The unreliable narrator is certainly popular these days and I'm having to insert other types of book in between my 'thriller' reads. Otherwise, I find myself getting burned out. Did you have a particular question or were you just wanting to get reactions? My review of the Finn book is here – https://kaysreadinglife.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-woman-in-window-j-finn.html
I also read Woman in the Window – I liked it but the main character is a little annoying sometimes – I suggest you stick with it because there are twists coming up!
Kay and Donna, thank you for your replies to my question.
Kay, read your review, it was helpful. If I had read it first I might have had different thoughts as I started the book.
Donna, I will keep reading this book. I am not one who doesn’t stick with a book. For proof I still reading Into the Water.
I read Every Day Above Ground by Glen Erik Hamilton, third in the Van Shaw series. Very hard boiled.
Rising Seas, by Clive Cussler and ghost. One of the Kurt Austin series. One of the better entries in that series, but not really one of Cussler's best.
Raspberry Danish Murders by Joanne Fluke– I honestly don't know what to say about this one. Most of the chapters are about one character or another giving other characters food and talking about it. Ross is missing (good riddance) and there's a murder, but most of the book is about food.
Glen, I just love Glen Erik Hamilton's Van Shaw, but I just didn't put enough effort into Every Day Above Ground. I blame myself. I quit on it. I loved his other books, especially the first one.
You have more stamina than me. I gave up a long time ago on Joanne Fluke.
Sorry I didn't get here earlier, but we got home yesterday and there is a lot to catch up on. I did read A SECOND CHANCE, the Jodi Taylor time travel book. While I found all the stuff about Ancient Troy interesting, it isn't my favorite historical period. I liked the second half of the book better than the first.
Also reading SIXES AND SEVENS by O. Henry, which I'm enjoying, especially as the stories are longer and a lot more varied than the way most of us think of him.
Currently reading GRIST MILL ROAD by Christopher J. Yates and DARK SIDE OF THE ROAD by Simon R. Green.
Lesa, I found the first book in Annette Dashofy's series today for 99 cents on Kindle so I think I will start there.
I read The Woman in the Window and thought it was OK but I'm not sure it lived up to the hype.
I have one book by Lisa Genova on my TBR list and treated myself to the audio book, Every Note Played. I have read all but those two of her books.
It will be a while until I can return to audio books. I am having a log jam of requested reviews by authors right now.But right now, I am reading Educated by Tara Westover. It is a memoir and a difficult read because of what her dad was like and the dangerous work that she helped him with in the scrapyard. She has had an unbelievable life!!
Also starring a children'book, Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes. The little boy who was shot by police because they thought he had a real gun but it was a toy, comes back to earth as a ghost.
Hope to get them finished by the end of the weekend and start on one of the author review requests.
I'm reading Kenneth W. Harmon's new horror release, The Paranormalist. It's fine writing…if you like horror.
I only now had a chance to get back to this, and thank all of you for sharing what you're reading. I had 2 evenings when I didn't have Internet & I spent 5 hours working on the post for Sunday – Treasures in My Closet. Time just escaped. Thank you all for sharing!