For me, the question this week should be, how many books are you reading as you try to find one you’ll finish? Actually, I finished one, but it’s for Library Journal, and it wasn’t quite up to the previous books, so I won’t mention it. I did tear through three historical romances this past weekend, all by Julia Quinn. But, at the moment, I’m not reading anything worth talking about.

I’ve decided to call this last month “The Great Hibernation”, because most of us are just hunkered down, zoned out and eating. I will say I’m enjoying what I’m doing for work because I continue to select online books for the library. That’s fun. I even enjoy the online meetings and webinars. I’ve been to the grocery store twice, every two weeks, and that’s it. I’ve been good about staying home because I don’t want to catch anything or, afterwards, spread anything.

Historical romances and Broadway music. That’s how I’m getting through. You might want to check out my blog at Poisoned Pen’s site. Beginning this week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, authors are posting their “Distractions”. Laurie R. King and Dana Stabenow went first. You can find the blog here.

How was your week? Are you feeling overwhelmed? I’ll admit I only feel that way occasionally, but I had a busy day today, and books just aren’t appealing at the moment. So, I’m asking you the question. What are you reading?