Greetings to everyone, whether you’re joining me for your first cup of coffee or tea in the morning, or sometime later in the day. I want to keep you in the loop.
This week is hectic, and it was unplanned until Mystery Writers of America announced they were presenting me with the Raven Award. I had no plans to go to New York City right now, since I’m going again in a few weeks with one of my sisters. The award means I’m working today, participating in a Zoom event tonight, packing, flying out tomorrow morning, attending the ceremony on Thursday night, and flying home on Saturday. That also means I haven’t had time to write the post for “Treasures in My Closet”, a post that would normally appear on Sunday. It will be up sometime next week.
I also didn’t plan to have to put one of my cats to sleep late yesterday. Many of you might remember Jinx from the book videos in which he appeared. He always was a ham. But, Jinx went downhill rapidly over the weekend. Those of you who have cats know they let you know when it’s time.
This is all to say, there might or might not be posts this week. I know Sandie Herron and Kevin Tipple have both sent pieces. I just haven’t even had time to post them. And, as of last evening, I certainly didn’t have the inclination to write. I actually wrote this before picking Jinx up to take him to the vet’s.
Saying all of that, posts will be off-and-on here this week. Thank you for your patience.

What a beautiful boy. I am so sorry. 💔
I grew up with cats, many cats, and our black cat Jinx started it all. He paved the way for our many rescues. He was a marvelous cat. As you can imagine, I think that the name Jinx is very special. And black cats are my favorites.
Again, I am truly sorry that your boy had to leave you. Take care.
Take care of yourself. You are going through some really good stuff and some brutally painful stuff. It is a lot. Focus on you. The blog, and us—the loyal subjects— will always be here.
Oh, the bitter and the sweet. I am so sorry to hear of your loss but I know how great it was to have Jinx in your life. Please accept my virtual hug and condolences to you. On the sweet side I give you a hearty cheer and shout “Hooray!” that you are being acknowledged by those who notice your “light” and your contributions!! Congratulations and travel safe.
I’m so sorry to hear about Jinx. It’s always hard to lose a member of your family.
Congratulations on the award. You earned it. Try to enjoy the trip and the celebration.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Lesa. Safe travels.
Sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and don’t worry about the blog.
So sorry about Jinx, Lesa. I know how hard that is. Sending hugs.
Thinking of you Lesa..sending hugs on the loss of Jinx and cheers as you are honored in NYC for being awarded the Raven Award. It’s funny how life is often simultaneously filled with such highs and lows. Enjoy your bonus trip to NYC.
Sorry for your loss, Lesa.
We’ve been having cooler than normal weathere here the last couple of weeks, but I doubt it’s anything cooler than you’ve had there. It should be the coolest day tomorrow and slowly warm up as the weekend approaches, but at least in will be dry and some sun.
/end New York weather update.
Have a safe trip, and again, congratulations!
I’m so sorry to hear about Jinx, Lesa. Our darling pets are so precious and it’s so hard to lose them.
I’m heading up for a meeting, but just wanted to thank all of you for understanding. I’ll get back to you personally later today.
And, Jeff? Thank you for the weather report!
Very sorry to hear about Jinx. Hugs and love for you. Take all the time that you need and please don’t feel that you have to get back sooner than you need. It is heartbreaking to lose a cat.
What a tough week you’ve had, Lesa. I know it was so hard to say goodbye to Jinx. Now, just focus on the pleasure of receiving the Raven Award (well deserved), and in one of your favorite cities. Try to relax if you can. We love you.
Congratulations Lesa on your Raven Award. You certainly deserve it! I am sorry for your loss of Jinx. I use to love seeing your cats during you videos. I too am a “cat” person and I know how difficult it is ……they give us so much pleasure and comfort but their life spans are so short, so unfair. Safe travels to New York.
How awful to lose your Jinx, Lesa. Our kitties our so special. I hope you take all of the time you need and that you share memories and photos of Jinx with us whenever you like.
I am so sorry for your loss of Jinx. Jinx looks like a cat I had named Gizmo who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge a long time ago.
I am so so sorry about your baby. They are truly our best loving friends, and so much a part of the foundation of our lives. Hugs and know that lots of us have you in our hearts. You gave him a fantastic life! XXOO
Deepest sympathies, Lesa, losing a fur friend is heartbreaking. I’m so, so sorry for your loss and pain. Hugs.
I’m so sad about Jinx. My condolences.
So sorry for your loss, Lesa. I know how heartbreaking it can be. Congrats on your award, that is awesome!
Again, I want to thank all of you for your kindness and compassion. Tonight, I’ll cuddle Josh, the cat I still have. And, I’m sure I’ll enjoy NYC. It probably will be good to be away and to see people in the mystery field. It’s been a while since I’ve done that.
Oh Lesa. Talk about highs and lows. The worst is putting Jinx to sleep. The best is receiving a Raven Award for all your fabulous work. Know that in both endeavors you are loved and treasured. Have a safe trip. Enjoy your moment in the stars. We’ll be here when you get back.
Thank you, Sandie. Sending hugs!
Lesa so very sorry about Jinx, not easy to take them but they do tell you. I have fond memories of my past cats and my current one is very special. Not sure what I would have done without him during the quarantine.
Great happiness for the Raven award. Enjoy NYC and have a great time. The book world obviously thinks you are a special person.
A reminder that if you see any of the Avengers, especially that freak Dr. Strange, in NYC, it is best to leave the city immediately as some stuff is going to get torn up again.
Take all the time you need, Lesa. It must be confusing to be dealing with good things and very sad things in your life at the same time. Cats are so wonderful and it is heart breaking to lose them. I am very sorry about Jinx.
So very sorry to hear. Losing a pet is the worse.
So sorry for your loss. Take care of yourself and remember all the good times you had with Jinx.