Congratulations to the winners of the last giveaway. River of Fallen Angels will go to Brenda W. from Hattiesburg, MS. Kathy S. from Saugus, MA won Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun. The books will go out in the mail today.
This week, I’m giving away cozy mysteries with an Indiana connection. Maddie Day’s Country Store mysteries are set in Indiana. Kate Collins is from Indiana, and still lives here part of the year. Her Flower Shop mysteries, featuring Abby Knight, are set in Indiana. This week’s book isn’t set there, but Abby shows up as a visitor and amateur sleuth.

Maddie Day’s Four Leaf Cleaver will arrive in time for St. Patrick’s Day. In the latest Country Store Mystery by Agatha and Macavity Award-winning author Maddie Day, it’s Saint Patrick’s Day in South Lick, Indiana! But a holiday cooking competition at Pans ’N Pancakes is put on the back-burner when a killer strikes…There’s no mistaking Saint Patrick’s Day at Pans ’N Pancakes. Robbie may only be Irish by marriage to Abe O’Neill, but the shelves of vintage cookware in her southern Indiana store are draped with glittery shamrocks and Kelly-green garlands and her restaurant is serving shepherd’s pie and Guinness Beer brownies. The big event, however, is a televised cooking competition to be filmed on site. Unfortunately, someone’s luck has run out. Before the cameras start rolling, tough-as-nails producer Tara O’Hara Moore is found upstairs in her B&B room, bludgeoned apparently by the heavy hilt of a cleaver left by her side. Now, not only does Robbie have a store full of festive decorations, she’s got a store full of suspects . .

Or you could win Gone But Not For Garden by Kate Collins. Athena Spencer works with her big Greek-American family (whom she also anonymously blogs about) at their garden center near Lake Michigan. She’s also gained a reputation for crime-solving—and that’s what brings flower-shop owner and fellow sleuth Abby Knight Salvare to her door . . .
Abby has come from Indiana to this Lake Michigan town to help her cousin, Jillian, who was emceeing a local fashion show and now stands accused of murdering one of the models. Some of Sequoia’s most prominent citizens were there on the catwalk, so there’s increasing pressure to have the next event be a perp walk. The clueless Jillian is in jail after ignoring orders not to leave town, and she isn’t happy—orange is not her color. Along with her handsome PI partner, Case, Athena starts making inquiries, while tiptoeing around the wives of the town’s mayor and police chief. In the meantime, the two detectives are becoming fast friends. After all, in addition to homicide, Abby and Athena share an interest in horticulture—though right now the only thing they’re growing is their list of suspects . . .
Which cozy mystery would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject heading should read either “Win Four Leaf Cleaver” or “Win Gone But Not For Garden.” Please include your name and mailing address. The giveaway will end Thursday, March 2 at 5 PM CT. Entries from the U.S. only, please.
Thanks for featuring my book, Lesa!