Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Becky B. from Washington, D.C. won The Road to Murder. She Left is going to Alicia K. from Stacyville, IA. The books are going out in the mail today.

This week, I’m giving away historical mysteries. However, Kelley Armstrong’s Disturbing the Dead, the latest in the Rip Through Time series, is time travel as well as historical. I’d start with the first in the series, A Rip Through Time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enter to win Disturbing the Dead and add it to your TBR pile. You really should read the first adventure of Mallory Atkinson, the 21st century police detective who ends up in the body of a housemaid in Edinburgh in the 1860s. This one is centered on the craze for all things Egyptian, but there’s a resolution for Mallory at one point in this book. If you’ve already started the series, this one might bring tears!

A Deadly Endeavor is Jenny Adams’ historical mystery debut. Philadelphia, 1921. When Edie Shippen returns home after spending years in California recovering from Influenza, she’s shocked to discover that her childhood sweetheart is engaged to her twin sister. Heartbroken and adrift, Edie vows to begin living her life as a modern woman—and to hell with anyone who gets in her way. But as young women start to disappear from the city,  her newfound independence begins to feel dangerous. Gilbert Lawless returned home from the Great War a shell of his former self. He hides away in the office of Philadelphia’s Coroner, content to keep to himself until a gruesome series of corpses come into the morgue. And when his sister, Lizzie, goes missing, he risks his career to beg help from the one person Lizzie seemed to trust: her employer, Edie Shippen. Fearing the worst, Edie and Gilbert desperately search for clues. It soon becomes clear that Lizzie’s disappearance is connected to the deaths rocking the City of Brotherly Love…and it’s only a matter of time until the killer strikes again.

Which mystery would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject heading should read either “Win Disturbing the Dead” or “Win A Deadly Endeavor.” Please include your name and mailing address. The contest will end Wednesday, June 5 at 5 PM ET. Entries from the U.S. only, please.