Congratulations to the winners of the last contest. Dianne C. from Elk Grove Village, IL won An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed. Kathy R. from Owensboro, KY will receive Clark and Division. The books are going out in the mail today.
Well, the latest contest isn’t really “weathered”, but there’s weather in the title of both mysteries. Wendall Thomas sends her travel agent, Cyd Redondo to London in Fogged Off. Cyd plans to bring back the body of one of her clients who died unexpectedly. When a college dean offers to pay for the trip for Cyd and her uncle, she’s eager to make her first trip to London. Of course, it’s Cyd. In the first seven hours, she “Had stormed the embassy. surprised a burglar, climbed five flights of stairs to be patronized, been almost mugged, had drinks in a cave, and been stood up by a relative.” Only Cyd ends up meeting with a former lover and an endangered animal on her latest adventure.
Dog lovers will want to pick up David Rosenfelt’s Best in Snow. In this Christmas mystery, lawyer Andy Carpenter and his golden retriever, Tara, are on the beat after a body turns up in the snow and a journalist is the prime suspect. The murder victim is Mayor Alex Oliva, who had an infamous relationship with the newspaper. Last year a young reporter published an expose, and Oliva had him fired for libel. Now, the young reporter – and prime suspect – is in need of a lawyer.
Which mystery would you like to win? You can enter to win both, but I need separate entries. Email me at Your subject heading should read either “Win Fogged Off” or “Win Best in Snow.” Please include your name and mailing address. The giveaway will end Thursday, Nov. 18 at 5 PM CT. Entries from the U.S. only, please.